But the problem is our modern world depends entirely on the presumption of eternal growth afforded by being able to extract, produce and consume ever larger quantities of high EROEI (Energy returned on energy invested) sources of fuel/energy in order to sustain the system... a prolonged global slowing down of this energy usage (or production availability) will inevitably cause the entire global pyramid scheme to collapse upon itself in supernova fashion... already resulting in things like QE infinity, hyperinflation, negative interests rates, global lock-downs to create artificial demand destruction, etc etc etc ("you will own nothing, have no privacy, be able to go nowhere, and be happy")
If you look at our planet as an isolated system (3D sphere in space) then from a physics, mathematical, energy and entropy/thermodynamic standpoint its clear that we have already used up (collectively on global scale) the vast majority of the high density, high quality, high EROEI, "low entropy" energy sources on our planet, while at the same time our human population is higher than its ever been before, whilsts many of the developing countries are still trying to jump on the capitalism bandwagon and chase their own version of the American dream by propelling upwards the quality of life, living standards and GDP/energy usage per capita of their own citizens... all the economic models of modern times are based on the axiomatic and 'a priori' assumption of infinite perpetual growth... and none of the models account for the fact that by all accounts back in 2019 we have already globally peaked...
Money is just a mere symbolic representation of the ability of cheap and abundant higher EROEI energy to do 'work' on our behalf. When the quality and quantity of energy available to us continues to decline and decrease, then proportionately so does the value or purchasing power of the money that we hold... for that money was a representation of the 'multiplier effect' of energy to do work and the resulting productivity that cheap energy had amplified and enabled but with the energy depleted so too does our money become worthless. This is why when global energy has peaked as it has back in 2019, in the grand scheme of things no amount of stimulus, printing more money, etc is going to do any good... its but like rearranging chairs on the deck of the sinking Titanic... its really not about money, which is but a human construct created to represent resources and energy...
In the long run, and from the bigger picture perspective, a net-positive rate of return-on-investment overall in aggregate is only possible in whole of society if that society or global civilization continued to grow as a whole... Continued global growth is only possible if we are able to consume more and more resources as well as have increasingly abundant access to usable energy of EROEI density sufficient to power modern global civilization and it's continued upwards growth.
Given that our modern civilization and globalized economy/world is predominantly powered by fossil fuels and hydrocarbons as the main source of energy, and given the fact that we enjoy and are indeed direct recipients of this "multiplier of work/productivity/wealth" enabled by the use of (still relatively) cheap and abundant oil, natural gas, coal, etc it stands to reason that as we approach the final global limits to energy consumption growth, so will our aggregate economies contract... by most estimates global production of conventional oil peaked back in 2019, and there is no turning back...
There is no debate that we have long since passed peak discovery curve. And there is no doubt that all production/consumption curves must necessarily follow and trail their discovery curves/peaks...This is basic logic, math, physics...
Nothing in the short term will be able to replace or fully substitute the energy deficit left by both the decline in quantity of fossil fuels and the drop in quality (EROEI) of the limited quantity still remaining. Renewables such as solar are currently subsidized by governments economically and entropically by leveraging our existing fossil fuel infrastructure, and solar is a net energy sink as far as modern civilization is concerned given we require at least EROEI of 7 to just survive (15+ to thrive) and the rate limiting factor of lithium, battery technology, rare-earths all add up to the infeasibility of solar as a renewable solution.
The "energy payback time” of renewables means it will incur a permanent 'energy taxation' on all work/productivity/interactions in society somewhere between 20% to 40%, (resulting in a total collapse of global economies and permanent macroeconomic depression everywhere) and that is even assuming there are enough raw resources to scale up renewables to replace fossil fuels in mass in the first place. (there is not) Even if we solved nuclear fusion or fast breeder reactors today it would still take another three decades to fully scale up, and our global civilization cannot avoid the common collapse in the meantime...
Given that globally economies will shrink as a whole, given that our total access to energy both in terms of quantity of energy and the quality of remaining energy will continue to steadily decline over time, and since clearly it has been established that modern global wealth is entirely dependent upon its access to energy; it is inevitable to assume anything else other than the reality that as the aggregate amount of real energy, resources and wealth on our planet falls off a cliff and we enter the long decline/collapse that we will have a massive surplus of the "symbolic human construct" that we have used to "count up, tally, measure, represent and account for energy, resources, wealth, etc out there in the world." and therefore with a bunch of existing money no longer able to find/pair/bind with their corresponding resource/wealth counterparts out there in the 'real world', we have a situation of hyperinflation whereby all currencies and monies will lose the vast majority of their currently perceived value and purchasing power... those that get out fast and convert to real hard assets and tangible resources first will be much better off than those left hodling fiat currency or digital cryptocoins...but in truth none will be spared as the current situation is more akin to the Earth being one giant 3D "Easter Island" in space and we have used up all the high density 'free energy' that accumulated over the course of billions of years in a comparative blink of an eye (roughly 150 years since the Industrial revolution and most of it on the backend of the last four decades)