Well, technology is not stagnating. Just consider the difference in efficiency between incandescent and LED lamps.
Incandescent lamps were used for the better part of a hundred years yet now they were replaced with something a lot more efficient.
An incandescent lamp can convert 5% of the input power into usable light and an LED lamp can convert 40% of the input power.
So it is like 8x more efficient.
Other technologies might also make visible improvements in efficiency. For example fuel cells are a lot more efficient than combustion engines. Like 2x to 3x. Then there are things like grid transmission losses. Those might be reduced if ballistic conductors come into use. A lot of energy would be preserved by switching to electric cars which have regenerative breaking.
The amount of energy wasted is immense.
View attachment 70887
Just look at the amount of "Rejected Energy" vs "Energy Services" in the US energy flows in the chart above. All of that is energy losses.
You are talking about finding efficiencies to postpone Peak Oil and drag out the collapse curves... this is good, but in the end it won't really help that much... The main issue is that human has propensity to increase population and consumption to take full advantage of its resources no matter its like a guy making more money but still living paycheck to paycheck because he is now burderned with more expensive house and car to maintain and has gotten used to a same standard of living... then when he loses his job he can sell of some items to recup some money but he still wants to maintain that lifestyle... its the way our modern economic system of money=debt and "interest rate", fractional reserve banking, etc is all structured for perpetual growth... so any efficiences we save, will just be recycled back into growth and we will bump up against the wall again, only every subsequent time we have less levers to pull....
Airplanes aren't getting any bigger, faster, nor more comfortable, its all about fuel savings these days. This is why Boeing 747 with 4 engines have gone the way of the dodo bird and they pumping out the battery powered (no more bleed engine) Boeing 787 to sell all the airlines since 787 has 20% fuel efficiency over 777 and 40% over 747
The problem is all this does is lower the cost of tickets, and then makes people want to travel more and afford to travel more... we aren't enforcing any true conservation of energy/oil etc...
Its called Jevon's paradox....
Nature abhors a vacuum, the optimization of entropy maximization is that helped push the evolution of intelligent life on our planet in the first place, which ended up consuming most of the hydrocarbons underneath the ground that took billions of years to naturally form via photosynthesis and in the blink of an eye in the last ~150 years we used almost all of this "free energy" up... whilst melting 30% of the polar ice caps and increasing co2 emissions by olders of magnitude and triggering this runaway climate disaster catastrophe...
If you think about it AI and automation has multiplied the "intellectual factor" where a single worker can now do the work of many people... this is a HUGE increase in productivity and thus should translate in huge increases in wealth and standards of living... but if you look at the true wage & purchasing power of the average American worker/family it has stagnated for the last 30 years and in fact in more recent years our living standards have fallen and gone massively backwards!
So what gives? how comes
It is because of the rising energy costs and decreasing EROEI as we slide down the slope of energy depletion and meet our Peak Oil fate... energy is also a work multiplier, in fact a gallon of gas has the same energy as six weeks of human muscle labor... and as energy gets less dense, more scarse and more expensive so does everything else because energy is our ability to do work and the cheap and abundant energy that our globalized JIT (just in time) system has come to utterly depend and rely on (we were always margined to the hilt) is now not able to keep propping us up in terms of the artificially easy way of life and artifically inflated standard of living that we had come to grown accustomed to...
So essentially even with all the advent of AI and automation it hasn't been able to keep up with the decrease in energy... to put another way, the decrease in energy has take away a lot more ability to do "work" (and this productivity) than the increase in AI and automation (with is a work multipier) and that of savings and efficiences have been able to afford to us...
I'm not saying efficiencies aren't important, but you can only find so much efficiencies before the bottom starts falling out... you can only shrink the candy bar so much before you aren't even selling a product at all... and likewise, even if we had the AI and technology to completely automate our society and increase the productivity to orders of magnitude it will still hit the wall of energy cap/rate limiting factor and no matter if we had skynet at our disposable we still cannot violate the laws of thermodynamics nor get "free energy" from nothing... an automated machinsits society still has the need for lots of raw energy inputs as a prerequisite to its existence!
Even with massive improvements in efficiency and in AI automation we are still barely holding on, we haven't see a massive increase in abundance nor wealth and in fact our standard of living is now in reverse and going backwards... we have turned the knob all the way to Hot to maintain a nice lukewarm temperature in a showering that is rapidly running out of hot water and now the water is going cold and we have no more levers to turn...