Hate to leap off topic here, but while I do agree with you Red Guard, Paratroopers are an excelent fighting force IF you are willing to risk massive casualties. Crete was a prime example of this, as well as Normandy. You would, on average, loose several planes loaded with 20+ troops, or have pilots panic and make mis-drops. To say however that Helo-insertions arent effective and more dangerous is not entirely correct. Whilst Helo-Inserts are more high-risk than the typical Air-Drop, it isint so much of an uncoordinated mess as Parachute drops typicaly are. Misdrops are still very common and can happen very easily as accuracy is so specific. Just a shift in the wind and your blown five miles into the lap of the enemy. This could be disasterous if one were to extract information from these troops. Suddenly the whole operation is out the window. But typicaly speaking, if the insertions in Helo-drops are that hot, then ether the crew will be completely incapacitated (Chechneya) or will have the capacity to fight (Somalia) even if they have serious injuries. That, and typicaly only pilots in an emergency situation even attempt to make hot landings. The lessons from these conflicts have taught those that armored or mechanized infantry aproaches are the best ways to enter a hotzone.