Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central Asia


Junior Member
VIP Professional
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

well dont you think the time is right for the creation of an asian union on the lines of the eurpean union i know that there is a lot of animosity between india pakistan china but come on if germany, britain and france once rival colonial powers and world war 2 adverseries could unite to be a common force ithink india china and pakistan can overcome their differences to form the core of asian union plus russia.

and by the way the SAARC summit kicks off tommorow in new delhi

The British, French, and the Germans got over their differences after a massively destructive war (WWII). If WWII didn't happen, then I do have doubts that an EU would exist today.

For Pakistan and India getting over their differences, the Kashmir issue needs to be peacefully compromised between the two countries. And that is just the start. There are many more things both countries need to resolve (things like Babri mosque can be a huge issue and other things such as fair use of water). When is this going to happen? Only God knows.


New Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

well babri mosque is thing of the past and the common indian doesnt find that much of an issue .and the water sharing issue has been resolved by the world bank recently to satisfaction of both pakistan and india.

also most countries like myanmar afganistan burma srilanka would be intrested in the devolopment of the asian union. just like the britain france and germany . india pakistan china russia could form the core and let the other states join them. they could even have a common currency etc.

let us not forget that it was a coal workers union that led to formation of the european union and it just grew from there so it doesnt take much just goodwill on both sides and i mean from their people and not from the government.


Junior Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

well babri mosque is thing of the past and the common indian doesnt find that much of an issue .and the water sharing issue has been resolved by the world bank recently to satisfaction of both pakistan and india.

also most countries like myanmar afganistan burma srilanka would be intrested in the devolopment of the asian union. just like the britain france and germany . india pakistan china russia could form the core and let the other states join them. they could even have a common currency etc.

let us not forget that it was a coal workers union that led to formation of the european union and it just grew from there so it doesnt take much just goodwill on both sides and i mean from their people and not from the government.

I'm sorry but myanmar and burma are the same country.

I think China is more interested in having an eastern asia union, with Korea(s), Japan and EA. China has far stronger economic and culture connection with these countries. The relationship between China and EA is improving rapidly and there's a free trading agreement between them. But there is still a long way to go for an eastern asia union.

For China and Pakistan, I think it's very important for development of China's west part. One unique difference between China and other developing counties is any industry that China achieves a superior position in terms of productivity, she won't let it go. So various industries transfered to China, then China transfer then from east to west. Unfortunately the transportation from western China to the outside world is poor due to the geographic environment. Yet Pakistan is the best choice so far.

A free trading agreement between China and Pakistan will be in effect this year and the two countries are planning to build a railway connect western China to the Arabic Sea.


New Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

I'm sorry but myanmar and burma are the same country.

I think China is more interested in having an eastern asia union, with Korea(s), Japan and EA. China has far stronger economic and culture connection with these countries. The relationship between China and EA is improving rapidly and there's a free trading agreement between them. But there is still a long way to go for an eastern asia union.

For China and Pakistan, I think it's very important for development of China's west part. One unique difference between China and other developing counties is any industry that China achieves a superior position in terms of productivity, she won't let it go. So various industries transfered to China, then China transfer then from east to west. Unfortunately the transportation from western China to the outside world is poor due to the geographic environment. Yet Pakistan is the best choice so far.

A free trading agreement between China and Pakistan will be in effect this year and the two countries are planning to build a railway connect western China to the Arabic Sea.

Currently, China is funding an expansion project on the Karokarum(silk road) that connects Pakistans Northern Areas with the China's Western provinces. This expansion will help tripple the amount of traffic and hence goods between the two nations. Furthermore, preliminary studies have also been initiated for the planned extension of the Havelian rail headworks up north thru the said Northern Areas so as to link them directly with China's vast rail network. It is anticipated to take between 4-6 years for the completion of the rail project with the road project taking just over 2 years as it involves merely widening existing infrastructure on the all metal-road.
The result of these projects will be beneficial for both countries and will help open up new avenues in trade, commerce and people to people contacts between the two countries. The process has already been initiated with the signing of several agreements btw the two countries such as the Early Harvest program, Free Trade Agreement and the establishment of a duty free import zone in Northern Pakistan primarily aimed at Chinese import items.