Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central Asia


Senior Member
Finn McCool said:
I predict that the Russia, under the forceful leadership of Putin and high gas prices, will succed to become a power once again. Like Roger has often said, the world is becoming multi-lateral once again, for the first time since before WWI. So Russia and China will probably have similar interests in the future causing them to be erstwhile allies, but it would be wrong to say that Russia will "drift to China" and fall into China's orbit. Russia is to large and proud a nation for that.

Point is well taken, Finn.

I'm just pointing out that India has a close relationship with Russia as well. And for India to truly be an ally of the US, in the same stripe as UK and Japan, would require it to turn its back on Russia. In which case, India is alone in Eurasia with not particularly friendly Russia / China / Central Asian countries, plus an openly antagonistic Pakistan.

The only way India will ever allow that to happen to itself would be if it permits itself to be used as cannon fodder for US interests. And that is highly unlikely since India will be, and sees itself as, a rising regional power as well (as Tassadar's post points out).

Finn McCool

Registered Member
I think that in this new, multilateral world order we're going to see a lot of shifting alliances. I look to Europe between the Napoleonic Wars and WWI as an example. Nations will have intractable rivals (eg France and Prussia/Germany) that they will always try to oppose. However, most nations will relate to other nations in a more temporary manner. For example, France and England were rivals from about 1815 to 1860 or so. After that they became close allies. That is why I think that the US and India can become strategic partners, even though it may seem a bit counter-intuitive. Besides, lets not forget that the USN gives America truly global reach, allowing it to maintain a strategic partnership like that. However, as Tassadar said, I doubt that India will ever have a relationship with the US like that of Japan and the UK. It is too large and is one of the world's fundamental cultures, so it cannot grow too close to the others. Besides, India considers itself to be a rising superpower so it will not allow itself to be as devoted to the US as those countries are.


New Member
PakTopGun said:
THe purpose of the energy corridor will benefit the two countries immensly as well as help jump-start the economic revival of the entire region. I think Indianfighter has an only indian-centric view on things which is quite unfortunate and sad. The relations between Pakistan and China extend beyond military and economical ones. On my last trip to Chinese Pakistan border(Gilgit) I felt a strong sense of comraderie with the Chinese border guards and with Chinese I have met abroad. Its not something I can express in mere words but rather as a 'feeling'. There is a mutual and shared respect between both our peoples which extends back before the 1960's when relations really strengthened btw the two countries. Ironically, one of the most prominent historians to have visited and discovered ancient Pakistan was a chinese named Hsung Tien who has given us insights into the unique culture and Identity of Indus Valley peoples and furthermore our two countries have had direct trade and cultural relations since the Silk Route Days. Since the 60's, Chinese have been actively settling in Pakistan and u can find a huge diaspora living in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, many often intermarrying and adopting local dress & languages and same of Pakistanis going to china, further strenghtening this bond. This article, IMO, is only a modern rendition of the growing ties between these two neighboors. The comparison with North Korea is unfounded.

sorry about the mini history lesson.
Overall, though, trade corridors will help the entire region. More integration is required which in turn will force often antagonistic partners to work together and hopefully work in their favour(Pakistan/India). This corridor move should help integrate the Persian Gulf/Middle East, with South Asia(via Pakistan) and connect it with Central Asia and Asia(China). It will be benefitial to all countries even the likes of Russia which is very much forced to be western orientated economically when right at its backyard are more than 2billion + population hungry for energy and consumer items. Countries like China, will have a direct rail link just a stones throw away from oil sources. IMO, I think such a move would be step in the right direction and help the region in a phenomenal way


Junior Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

Pakistani girls welcoming President Hu Jintao's visit, Nov. 2006. :)

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Aliph Ahmed

New Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

Friendship between China and Pakistan seems to be getting a new stitch bringing them more closer.

It is a very positive sign. Pakistan seems to have decided to exert maximum effort on economic front. Result of which will not only bring prosperity to her but cement a stronger bond between Pakistan, China and central Asian Countries. Thus, creating a de facto strategic relationship where everyone is understood to gain. Much much to the worry and dismay for India who is desperately trying to be the latest pawn of USA and risking alienating her long time father figure Russia. A void that will be filled by Pakistan with a strong economy. They say that China is on track being the world's largest Economy by 2015. A much delayed but a right move by Pakistan to concentrate in her own backyard.


Banned Idiot
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

During the Cold War, India was cultivated by the USSR, but remained non-naligned. I expect her to continue her independent policy and play other big powers against each other; I don't expect, however, India becoming a close ally of the US- Pakistan & Israel already have that designation and as long as there are conflicts in the ME involving Muslims, India's Muslim population (the 2nd largest after Indonesia- the biggest Muslim country) won't tolerate it. China needs secure transportation links to bypass choke points in the Indian Ocean- hence "corridors" in Pakistan, Central Asia & Burma.

Undead Yogurt

New Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

How practical is it for the PLAN to place a flotilla at Gwadar? Do you guys think Pakistan would allow this? Is it feasible for the PLAN from logistics point of view?

West Sea Fleet :D

Vlad Plasmius

Junior Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

I think if China placed a carrier group there Pakistan would be more than happy to oblige. There might be some in Pakistan against it, but it serves as a nice deterrent to India. I imagine that is the point of Gwadar port, to accommodate a a carrier group and likely an amphibious group too, providing China doesn't merge them into some other kind of group.


New Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

I don't expect, however, India becoming a close ally of the US- Pakistan & Israel already have that designation and as long as there are conflicts in the ME involving Muslims, India's Muslim population (the 2nd largest after Indonesia- the biggest Muslim country) won't tolerate it.

These figures need revising..

India's minority Muslim population is now ranked as being the 3rd or 4th largest in the world. The population figures have been revised to be b/w 130-145 million.


New Member
Re: Pakistan to become a trade and energy corridor for China and landlocked Central A

well dont you think the time is right for the creation of an asian union on the lines of the eurpean union i know that there is a lot of animosity between india pakistan china but come on if germany, britain and france once rival colonial powers and world war 2 adverseries could unite to be a common force ithink india china and pakistan can overcome their differences to form the core of asian union plus russia.

and by the way the SAARC summit kicks off tommorow in new delhi