Pakistan Army Ranger units?
No, Bro.... SSGs (Special Services Group)
Pakistan Army Ranger units?
China Appears to Have Secretly Sold Pakistan a Large Combat Drone, Says Report
January 13, 2018
China appears to have secretly sold Pakistan a large combat drone, according to new satellite images.
This was by the Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College. Citing satellite images from November 2017, the Center reported on January 5th that there was a medium-altitude long-endurance drone spotted at the Alam Air Base in Mianwali, Pakistan. “The drone in the image appears to be a Wing Loong I. This assessment is based on its wingspan—which we believe to be around 14 meters— and its V-tail, as well as a comparison with other satellite images of the Wing Loong I elsewhere in the world,” the Center noted in its report. The report was by IHS Jane’s, which cited different satellite images taken from the same time.
The Wing Loong I is a strike-capable medium-altitude long-endurance drone built by the Chinese firm Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC). It has a length of nine meters and a wingspan of fourteen meters. It can fly at heights of nearly 25,000 feet with a maximum speed of around 280 km/h and a range of 5,000 kilometers. According to IHS Jane's, it has a maximum take-off weight of 1,150 kilograms with a maximum payload capacity of 200 kg. The payload is split fifty-fifty between internal and external weapon stores. It is considered to be China’s version of America’s Predator drone
The drone in Pakistan appears to have been deployed for testing purposes. As the Center for the Study of the Drone’s analysis pointed out: “No drones or supporting equipment are visible in earlier satellite images of the base, suggesting that this drone may have arrived at Alam Air Base sometime in late November. The fact that there is no evidence of additional drones at the base, along with the fact that it is painted white—not the battlefield gray like other, deployed Wing Loong drones—might suggest that it is a test platform, not an operational airframe.” If so, this is probably not the first time that the Pakistan Air Force has been testing the Wing Loong I. In June 2016, a drone that appeared to be the Wing Loong I Alam Air Base apparently during a test run.
Pakistan has been operating armed drones for a number of years now, likely with the assistance of China. Islamabad its strike drones in 2013, when the military released a statement saying it had developed two drones that it referred to as the Burraq and the Shahpar. Foreign experts immediately cast doubt on Pakistan’s ability to indigenously produce armed drones. For instance, Pieter Wezeman, a senior researcher at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Financial Times: “Developing a drone with armed capability is much more difficult than just a reconnaissance one because the reconnaissance one can be built with very basic technology, but integrating weapons is a different level.” He added: “Either it is a Chinese UAV or based on Chinese technology.”
Indeed both the Shapar and the Burraq look a lot like the Chinese CH-3 UAV despite Pakistan’s claim that they were built by the local firms Global Industrial & Defence Solutions (GIDS) and National Engineering and Scientific Commission (NESCOM). Neil Gibson, an analyst at IHS Jane's, told FT that a "close analysis of the imagery released by Pakistan suggests at least a heavy debt to Chinese systems.” Regardless of their origin, Pakistan to carry out strikes against militant groups located in the country's tribal areas in 2015.