made my day A.Man!!! that ships looks awesome the 2nd one is moving along very fast under construction at Karachi dockyard, will post pics when I get a chance! PN has a opition for 2 more hope they get 4 in total. this one is called PNS Azmat and the 2nd one is called PNS Dahshat
I sure hope that Pakistan Navy carves out enough funds, aside from funding for Missile Destroyers and Frigates, for the PNS Azmat Class boats. Ideally, at least 12 would serve well with Pakistan Navy, considering it has a 1046 Kilometer (650 mile) Coastline. Plus 12 of these Missile Boats would go well in augmenting a prospective expansion of Pakistan Navy's surface fleet.
Looks like she has ak630 for self defence against air threats. If it can also engage surface threats then maybe that's why the main gun is changed to 75mm.
Do you think it would be better if the ak630 is replaced with a 8 cell RAM? Also she carries 8 AshM so her firepower along with main gun seems even better than the type 022.
edit: just noticed already posted.
Another News:
Karachi: Pakistan is going to obtain four F-22P Frigates to be built in Pakistan in collaboration with China as part of country’s efforts to strengthen its navy. Recently Pakistan was has got three frigate from China while fourth is being built. Previously, China also handed over four frigates to Pakistan.
According to a report, published in Daily Jang, the leading Urdu daily of the country, Pakistan was happy over getting the fighters at low price and got booked orders for four new ships. The report said that the Chinese frigate costs 200 million dollar while the US LCS ship having similar qualities and technologies costs 600 million dollars.
According to the report, the F-22P Frigate is laced with modern missile technology. The first ship, PNS Zulfiquar, was handed over to the PN on 30 July 2009 and the second, PNS Shamsheer, on January 23, 2010. The third is undergoing sea trials, The Fourth and Last Frigate of F-22P series for the PN was launched on 17 June 2011.
Err ..... correct me if I'm wrong, but is this news clip claiming that Pakistan Navy is going to induct/build four more F-22P's???? Is that right???