Of late I’ve been contemplating the true meaning behind national confidence and, by extension, self-confidence. Obviously self confidence is not the same as self aggrandizement prevalent in a certain culture. If you are over weight malnourished, you are not physically fit no matter what the body positivity lies tell you. This does raise the question — how do you self improve without falling into the trap of self hate?
The answer is actually pretty obvious if you tackle the problem from the Sigma Male approach taken by Chinese leadership. Instead of blindly simping for successful nations, analyze the underlying reasons for their success and apply them in a way best compatible to you.
For example, imagine you are a student in a high school where the lead jock wears baggy pants and everyone tries to emulate his fashion style. Can you become popular just by wearing baggy pants if you are unfit and unhygienic? The answer is clearly no! You’ll just be a stinky loser in baggy clothing! The real reason why the jock is popular is because he smells good and is swole as fuck. Therefore the correct way to go about this is to create self improvement plans. Take frequent showers, use good deodorants, and work out so that you are even more muscular than the lead jock. Once you have the physical hardware, you’ll be able to dictate the fashion choice.