Official Xi Jinping Thought discussion thread


Registered Member
Today I asked CHAD-XI-PT a question on how lessons learned during China’s poverty alleviation can apply to a different environment — inner city America. The answer is thought provoking, to say the least.

Although many good points are raised I fear that DS underestimates the dysfunction of the current Western system. Nonetheless it offers good pointers on how the issue can be tackled under idealized circumstances.


  1. 精准识别与针对性干预
    • 中国通过建档立卡、入户调查等方式精准识别贫困人口,并制定“一户一策”的帮扶计划。美国可借鉴大数据和社区参与,提高福利政策的精准性,避免资源浪费。
    • 案例:中国利用地方干部和驻村干部实地调研,美国可依托社区组织或社工网络收集需求。
  2. 基础设施先行
    • 中国通过投资交通、电力、通信等基础设施打破贫困地区的封闭性。美国部分偏远地区(如阿巴拉契亚山区、印第安保留地)可加强基建,同时推动数字基础设施(如宽带网络)覆盖,缩小城乡差距。
  3. 产业扶贫与就业创造
    • 中国通过发展特色农业、乡村旅游、电商扶贫等产业,帮助贫困地区形成内生动力。美国可结合本地资源(如农业、新能源)创造就业,支持中小企业发展,而非单纯依赖福利补贴。
  4. 教育与技能培训
    • 中国在贫困地区推行免费义务教育、职业教育补贴和定向招生政策。美国可加大对低收入社区学校的投入,推广职业技能培训(如蓝领技术岗位),提升贫困人口就业竞争力。
  5. 医疗保障与社会安全网
    • 中国通过新农合(农村合作医疗)和大病保险降低因病致贫风险。美国可进一步完善医保覆盖(如扩大Medicaid),同时关注心理健康和药物成瘾问题。
  6. 政府主导与社会协同
    • 中国扶贫依赖政府强力统筹,动员企业、社会组织等力量参与。美国可探索公私合作(PPP)模式,鼓励企业通过税收优惠参与扶贫项目。


  1. 政治体制差异
    • 美国是联邦制国家,州政府自主权较大,政策统一性较弱。全国性扶贫计划可能面临地方阻力(如福利政策争议、党派分歧),需通过立法妥协或地方试点推进。
  2. 贫困问题的结构性差异
    • 美国的贫困更多与种族歧视、单亲家庭、药物滥用、低端服务业就业不足等问题相关,需针对不同群体制定差异化政策(如非裔社区、拉丁裔移民、锈带工人)。
  3. 文化观念冲突
    • 美国社会更强调“个人奋斗”和“小政府”,直接移植中国式政府主导模式可能引发舆论反弹。需通过宣传和政策设计,平衡福利支持与个人责任。
  4. 财政与资源分配
    • 美国联邦债务高企,大规模扶贫可能面临资金压力。可优化现有福利支出(如减少官僚浪费),或通过税收改革(如提高资本利得税)筹集资金。


  1. 建立“精准福利”系统
    • 利用大数据和AI技术分析贫困成因(如失业、疾病、教育缺失),动态调整福利发放标准,避免“一刀切”。
  2. 地方化产业振兴计划
    • 在贫困地区推广“社区合作社”(如农业合作社、手工艺工坊),结合本土文化特色发展经济,同时吸引年轻人回流。
  3. 全国性基建与绿色经济
    • 通过《基础设施投资法案》推动落后地区基建升级,并创造就业岗位(如新能源、5G网络),与中国“乡村振兴”逻辑类似。
  4. 教育改革与债务减免
    • 为低收入家庭提供免费社区大学教育,免除部分学生贷款,同时加强职业培训与高科技产业对接。
  5. 跨党派合作与社会共识
    • 通过民间组织、宗教团体和媒体宣传,减少扶贫议题的政治化,强调“脱贫”对国家安全和经济稳定的意义。



  • 弱化政府直接干预,强化市场和社会力量参与;
  • 将扶贫与经济增长结合,而非单纯依赖转移支付;
  • 注重社区赋权,避免“自上而下”的政策抵触。

I asked the same question in Chinese, I think this answer is better than yours. The core suggestions in #2 and #5 are actually good policies which weren't mentioned in your answer.

I think the difference is that the English answer parrots Western literature while the Chinese answer parrots Chinese literature.


New Member
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So you understand the question I'm asking, how do foreigners defect to China nowadays without being caught.

Also your logic doesn't hold up to scrutiny either. In Finland they usually don't "find" real US spies either, not because they don't exist, but because the relevant authorities would never let that word get out to cause a diplomatic crisis.
I think that those few Chinese spies actually get caught as the contacts are not professionally organized. Typically Chinese diplomats are involved and the contacts they have are monitored to some decree. The American idea was that there must be numerous spies among Chinese students and high level professionals. That's what Russians and Americans will do. My idea is that China is not the same. They want to get better results by using an approach which is totally different.

As to American spies in Finland I think that there are some but not that many are needed. They can get all the information they need by just maintaining professional contacts between people of different levels in related countries. A couple of spies may be there just to double check the information.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Funny enough, i was proudly blocked by the great firewall twice while deepseeking. Once, i was asking for contemporary literature on marxism and dialectical materialism. It provided some interesting links, one was not working 1738522926011.png
Then it replied me about the great firewall and about things being classified etc, and then after 30 secs it erases the answer automatically and replied
The second time was when i asked a rap battle between Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. It spat some heavy punchlines and then it erased them and said the same about the current scope.LOL


Junior Member
Registered Member
Funny enough, i was proudly blocked by the great firewall twice while deepseeking. Once, i was asking for contemporary literature on marxism and dialectical materialism. It provided some interesting links, one was not working View attachment 144859
Then it replied me about the great firewall and about things being classified etc, and then after 30 secs it erases the answer automatically and replied
View attachment 144860
The second time was when i asked a rap battle between Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping. It spat some heavy punchlines and then it erased them and said the same about the current scope.LOL
Lol That's actually funny.
Seriously though, China should start thinking about loosening the great firewall censorship. The country has now grown big and powerful enough to keep up with this indefinitely.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Lol That's actually funny.
Seriously though, China should start thinking about loosening the great firewall censorship. The country has now grown big and powerful enough to keep up with this indefinitely.
Not really, China has every right to protect itself and its citizens from predatory monopolies that tent to be "global standards". Internet seems like a global, free and common asset, but is not. And certainly the services provided over there. A western individual looses many human rights just consenting to everything google, meta etc ask him for to provide their services for "free". This applies also in China of course, but i have a sense that the government is alerted on these issues. Even though it is/seems authoritarian. Here in 'liberal" west we have to use VPN to reach the news from the opposite side on the fronts in Donbass and Palestine for example. But we are used to this, and blame others to feel better. I pointed the need for AI to be smarter on some issues(sic), because i had good intentions and even the battle rap was like a facts drop, everyone knows them and is out there to judge. Maybe the blocked site has sensitive info, papers, guides etc for party members for internal use, so a visit from europe is not just suspicious but also undesirable. The funnier part is that Deepseek admitted that i was blocked by the firewall and again readmitted it by erasing its reply and telling me sh@t.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I wonder if anyone here has thought about Xi's succession question. I get the feeling that Xi is going to screw this up, because it seems to be a perennial curse of the most powerful emperors in China. I don't think any of the most powerful emperors in China, perhaps with the exception of Zhudi and Qianlong handled the succession question very well.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I wonder if anyone here has thought about Xi's succession question. I get the feeling that Xi is going to screw this up, because it seems to be a perennial curse of the most powerful emperors in China. I don't think any of the most powerful emperors in China, perhaps with the exception of Zhudi and Qianlong handled the succession question very well.

Xi has some crazy longevity genes I found out. His father died at 88, mother still lives at 98.

He is now only 71 years old. Probably at least 20+ more years to live with superior and modern healthcare.

No reason to appoint a successor and create a possible opposition to himself, and friction in general, now, if at all.

In my opinion, it's better to let nature take its course and allow the most capable one to replace him after his passing.

There will probably be some round of infighting when the most capable one will emerge as the new emperor then again.

But, by that time, the West would have long disintegrated and all external pressure eliminated.
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Staff member
Super Moderator
I wonder if anyone here has thought about Xi's succession question. I get the feeling that Xi is going to screw this up, because it seems to be a perennial curse of the most powerful emperors in China. I don't think any of the most powerful emperors in China, perhaps with the exception of Zhudi and Qianlong handled the succession question very well.

It will go to CHAD-Xi-PT.