Your reasoning is a bit strange when discussing universal suffrage in the selection of a CE in HK. There is a diversity of population having to choose a CE (with limit term) from competing candidates in a multi party system and yet your conclusion is that too much power rest in the people as opposed to competing power with the different checks and balances. I have to say I find it hard to comprehend your logic.
Please clarify what corruption are you referring to and why that statement has any relevance.
You said absolute power corrupts absolutely, yet giving people the absolute power is what universal sufferage is about. You claimed checks and balances, but universal sufferage means popular opinions can run unchecked. Clearly, the argument for universal sufferage is in contradiction of itself. People who are unable to realize such a huge smack of self contradiction demonstrate their own incomprehension in logic.
Under universal sufferage, politicians will not only be corrupted to money but also to fame. To illustrate, individuals from the OC movement have accepted money from US NGOs. They try to out-do each other in being disobedience which serves to hurt rather than improve livelihood of common people. So right from the beginning, these people became corrupted to immediate personal gains rather than long term future of their people.