What are you on about? Look at the top ten. All democracies.
1 Denmark
2 Norway
3 Switzerland
4 Netherlands
5 Sweden
6 Canada
7 Finland
8 Austria
9 Iceland
10 Australia
13 New Zealand
There are also democracies at the bottom of the list, and many other lists. Let's take , then screen it against . Starting with the most corrupt, we have:
- Myanmar
- Zimbabwe
- Cambodia
- Eritrea
- Venezuela
- Chad
- Equatorial Guinea
- Guinea Bissau
- Haiti
- Yemen
- Syria
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan
- Iraq
- Libya
- SouthSudan
- Sudan
- Afghanistan
So, ten democracies made it into the top twenty most corrupted countries. If a similar line to your argument were to be followed, democracies must also be corrupted.
The issue of an argument based on correlating democracies with happiness index, or other lists for that matter, is that . Two of the six criteria in the happiness index are related to wealth, not democracy. One of the criteria relates to self-determination, but this is not exclusive to picking a political leader. Arguably, your list tells us that happiness is a function of purchasing power, and has little to do with democracies.