Banned Idiot
Following your logic, it's then possible to nuke all of the South China & Philippine Seas where PLAN SSBNs are most likely to patrol, and their bases (with some SSBNs pierside) on Hainan/Mainland as well!
The US can nuke all of Russia and China and still have plenty of nukes left over for the rest of the world. The US has 10,000 active warheads.
Today I asked a former USN P-3 pilot if it was possible to find a USN SSBN if its position was known in 500mi radius- his responce: yes, and it would take 8-10 hours to be able to drop a torpedo on it!
c.1,000,000 sq mi (2,590,000 sq km), between the SE Asian mainland and Taiwan, the Philippines, and Borneo. It is connected with the East China Sea by the Taiwan Strait. The Gulf of Tonkin and the Gulf of Thailand are its chief embayments. The southwestern part of the sea from the Gulf of Thailand to the Java Sea is an enormous submerged plain called the Sunda Platform; water is generally shallow (less than 200 ft/61 m) throughout this vast area. In contrast, the northeastern part of the sea is a deep basin, reaching depths of up to c.18,000 ft (5,490 m).
So, even if a Chinese SSBN wasn't followed by USN SSN, the air over the deepwater area of that sea could be filled with ASW assets and in a matter of hours the prosecuted submarine will be history! For the US, Russian, French, and British Navies SSBN force make sense, but not for the PLAN. It's a big waste of money & resources, considering that large naval/air forces will have to be allocated to protect it.
In early 2005, the PLA deployed a Type 091 Han class nuclear attack submarine to its South Sea Fleet base at Yulin, on the southern end of Hainan Island. Some Asian military officials believe that in 2006 the PLAN will begin operations at a new nuclear-submarine base beside Yulin that will become a new base for PLAN SSBNs and SSNs. This base was constructed to give near-immediate access to waters for deep water patrols, which is not possible in the shallow Bohai Gulf, the current base area for the solitary Type 092. But to hit targets in the United States with their new 5,000-plus-nautical-mile-range JL-2 SLBMs, these SSBNs will have to travel between the Philippines and Taiwan. This will mean that the PLAN’s focus of operations will shift to the south to support SSBN access, requiring that additional ship and aircraft resources be deployed south.
Taiwan to boost submarine force with Harpoon anti-ship missiles: Jane's
TAIPEI (AFP) Sep 25, 2005
Taiwan plans to equip its two Dutch-built submarines with Harpoon anti-ship missiles that could be used to attack key Chinese naval bases, Jane's Defence Weekly said.
If all goes smoothly, the two Sea Dragon diesel electric submarines would be armed with UGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, the defence weekly said in an article to be published Wednesday.
It said the US navy had awarded McDonnell Douglas Corp, a Boeing subsidiary, a contract to coordinate and execute an on-site survey of the submarines for this purpose.
Submarine-launched Harpoons are pre-loaded into a capsule and launched from a torpedo tube. The capsule rises to the surface and launches the missile.
"If Taiwan procures the Block 2 Harpoons with coastal target suppression, Taiwan's submarines will have the capability of attacking coastal, in-harbour and land targets," Jane's said.
"This will place China's key naval bases of Shantou, Xiamen, Sandu, Xiazhen, Shanghai and Zhoushan in Taiwan's crosshairs," it said.
The Harpoon missile deal, following Russia's sale of Kh-41 anti-ship missiles to China, was part of a 2001 US arms package. ..
Taiwan already has air and ship-launched Harpoons. ..
'A Taiwan F-16 fighter jet has successfully launched a Harpoon antiship missile during an ongoing joint forces exercise in what will greatly expand the Air Force's capability to intercept attacking Chinese warships long before they approach the island, military officials were quoted as saying Wednesday. ..'The combination of F-16s with Harpoon missiles will greatly expand our combat range and enhance our capability to intercept hostile warships as far away as Hainan Island or Qingdao,'' ..
Even during the 1st strike, before the detonation some trains will launch a retaliatory strike of their own. I doubt that any SSBN on patrol could be contacted in time to do the same, and those pierside will be out of range!Not quite. Only SSBNs have true second and third strike capability. Nations like the US and Russisa have the capability to completely incinerate every single square mile of territory in any nation in the world with their nuclear arsenals. In that case, these trains would be incinerated too.
In the '91 Gulf War, none of the mobile Iraqi SCUDs were located, even in the open desert. So, I won't be surprised if the PLA gets mobile ICBMs on trucks too!
China's sole nuclear-ballistic-missile submarine has never gone on patrol. As a result, the crews of the new Jin-class subs currently under construction will need to start almost from scratch to develop the operational and tactical skills and procedures that are essential if a sea-based deterrent is to be militarily effective and matter strategically.
China may be able to build two or three new missile subs over the next decade, but they would be highly vulnerable to anti-submarine forces; the US Navy has 14 missile-bearing subs and has moved the majority of them into the Pacific.
China may have a small number of aircraft with a secondary nuclear capability, but they would be severely tested by US and allied air-defense systems or in air-to-air combat. The United States operates 72 long-range bombers assigned missions with nuclear gravity bombs and land-attack cruise missiles.
China does not have nuclear-armed cruise missiles, although US intelligence suspects it might develop such a capability in the future. The United States has more than 1,000 nuclear cruise missiles for delivery by aircraft and attack submarines.
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