Do you play the game? I find the game enjoyable, but as you say frustratingly complex, Ive never progressed beyond beginner, for the lack of opportunity.
I do, on the Go server KGS I'm up to 10 kyu ranking, which is enough to annihilate any beginner, but it's still not great.
There's a Go proverb that goes something like: "Lose your first 300 games quickly." You really have to play a bunch of times just to get a feel for good moves, and eventually you begin to recognize familiar patterns.
I don't think it is possible to make a computer to beat the best Go player.
It certainly was considered unthinkable, but I do think it's possible. Most recently, a Go program was able to defeat an 8 dan Korean professional ... with a 9 stone handicap. Now, a 9 stone handicap is very significant, but if they can get it down to 8 stones in a year, 7 stones in a couple years ...
Here's an article from the man himself, and how he plans to do it: