Banned Idiot
This was to be expected as well-
US says no more bargaining with NKorea on nukes
US says no more bargaining with NKorea on nukes
USA refused to guarantee the security of North Korea
in the first phase on nuclear disarmament and is described by RIA <novosti>. At the six-party talks, which started on February 8 in Beijing, the North Korean delegation put forward the conditions under which country is ready to stop the nuclear reactor, which is used to produce weapons-grade plutonium, in return for energy assistance and the conclusion of all participants in the negotiations by non-aggression guarantees from the United States. In addition, North Korea demands that all American aircraft carriers and fighter jets, calling South Korea, should be tested for the presence of nuclear weapons. And Washington, and Seoul those claims rejected. <In the current situation, the United States could not provide assurance that the Democratic People's Republic of Korea again failed to apply sanctions or not phrase military strikes>, - wrote prophenyanskaya newspaper in Japan. In the highest echelons of the North Korean dominated by the view that the nuclear crisis is the <vrajdebnaya politika> USA, and its demands to North Korea only to a change of attitude towards themselves, but in the talks, his delegation learned that, that the policy of the United States will remain the same.