Senior Member
I wouldn't expect it to mention those things. Yes, I and many others knew that China was trying to develop new nuclear submarines in the mid-1990's. Bill Gertz knew it. The entire Washington Times knew it. And most other open source databases such as Jane's knew it.
Is that a fact? I haven't seen any sources indicating this. Can you point to something from Washington Times or Janes from 2000 that talks about this?
But no, I wouldn't expect it to be on an annual report to Congress in 2000 because even now in 2006, China shows no evidence of these subs. They simply aren't proven to be even built yet. There are some reports in USA circles that say that they are fielded, but I would take that with a grain of salt for many reasons already discussed.
Weren't you talking before about how you like to back up your words with published open source information? So why is that when published open source information credit China with the newest technology all of a sudden you have some "special inside information" that leads you to doubt these sources?
That annual report to Congress is about what China currently has now, and it's audience is members of Congress and their constituents.
Actually, the 2006 Annual Report explicitly talks about what platforms China will field in the next few years. It doesn't limit itself to what China current has now. You've read it, you should know.