The US census has a dataset that shows the distribution of surnames among the ethnicities, e.g. Surname Lee has a higher probability (0.5778) of being non-Asian in US:
name: Lee | pctwhite 35.95 | pctblack 16.33 | pcthispanic 1.89 | PctAsi 42.22 | pctNonAsi 57.78
Thus mapping the census distribution onto the set of American Qualcomm inventor's surnames can give an estimation of the percentage distributions of the ethnicities. It is clear that in the American Qualcomm company from 2010 onwards the number of inventors with Asian ancestry exceed those with White ancestries. It is also obvious that the surname distribution for Qualcomm inventors is not the same as that for the general US population, i.e. the %Asi will be drastically underestimated.
Year %Whi %Asi
1990, 99.36 0.64
1992, 94.98 5.02
1993, 97.94 2.06
1994, 90.58 9.42
1995, 92.13 7.87
1996, 90.02 9.98
1997, 86.70 13.30
1998, 84.78 15.22
1999, 77.80 22.20
2000, 80.20 19.80
2001, 64.92 35.08
2002, 61.09 38.91
2003, 62.09 37.91
2004, 61.81 38.19
2005, 62.48 37.52
2006, 61.36 38.64
2007, 60.62 39.38
2008, 58.83 41.17
2009, 54.04 45.96
2010, 48.07 51.93 <---
2012, 39.21 60.79
2013, 38.50 61.50
2014, 39.55 60.45
2016, 32.30 67.70
2017, 34.40 65.60
2018, 31.38 68.62
2019, 26.90 73.10
2020, 24.49 75.51
2021, 23.23 76.77