Lieutenant General
And China is a major customer for semiconductors. The US suffers from not being able to make money from China. No money, no research and development. Just look at Tiktok. It's beating its US rivals. That means Americans are losing their edge on innovation. The more they look down at Chinese for innovation, because of TikTok the more it says how Americans aren't as innovative. Asians faced a glass ceiling in Silicon Valley and many went to Shenzhen and found success even beating the US. Once the darlings of Silicon Valley and Western technology, now the founders of these new US tech companies are facing scrutiny at home. They say it's because they're young and immature still living the life of frat boys in college. And it's that clique-based high school and college culture of arrogance that makes them slip in the real world. They can literally point to the movie Wall Street that caused this major shift where American students wanted to learn the sciences and engineering to instead finances because they wanted to live the lifestyles of Wall Street depicted in that movie. That only shows the US future in science and engineering is only going down not up. Now they're losing money from not selling to China.