News on China's scientific and technological development.


That's assuming that China wishes to assimilate the world, as the US does. If you look at it from another perspective, one in which China wishes to remain uniquely Chinese and free from excessive foreign cultural influence, but technologically powerful, the moves suddenly make much more sense. Foreign businesses are being sorted and those determined to contribute technological value and strength to China will be welcomed; those who wish to sell mediocre services and products (luxury shoes, bags, R2D2 toilets, etc...) that serve only to drain money from China while spreading foreign influence/style/culture, will be confronted with more and more obstacles until they leave because they benefit neither China's technological growth, nor its Chinese identity.


They do have some relevant points though especially the part about energy consumption.
The super computer requires a whopping 15.3MW of electricity, that's about the same as a large diesel generator at max power.
It probably generates a lot of heat as well.

Seems like you, or maybe the author of the article, is trying to spin that Taihulight somehow generates more heat than it's normal compared to the other systems.

The fact is that the heat generated by the supercomputer system pretty much comes from the electrical power going into the system since almost all the electrical energy going the electronics will be finally lost as heat. So high energy efficiency pretty much means less heat energy generated per unit FLOP


Registered Member
On the other hand, the Red Dynasty's increasing hostile business policies towards foreign companies and NGOs acts as breaks and impede its own efforts to assimilate the world. Resistance isn't futile.

As manqiangrexue points out, one train of Chinese thought is that China doesn't wish to assimilate the world.

On the other hand, China is putting foreign companies on notice that they need to bring something to China, otherwise they will be pushed out.

So we either end up with either:

1. Foreign multi-nationals being dependent on the huge Chinese market and production/research base, and adding to the generally technological/economic upgrading of the economy. These companies also need good relations with the Chinese government/people and will also push policy in their home countries.

2. Chinese multi-nationals growing larger and more hi-tech, and then using their China base to expand globally.

Both these scenarios result in a *win* for China, which is why we are seeing increasing demands or hostility towards foreign companies inside China.


Lieutenant General
That's assuming that China wishes to assimilate the world, as the US does. If you look at it from another perspective, one in which China wishes to remain uniquely Chinese and free from excessive foreign cultural influence, but technologically powerful, the moves suddenly make much more sense. Foreign businesses are being sorted and those determined to contribute technological value and strength to China will be welcomed; those who wish to sell mediocre services and products (luxury shoes, bags, R2D2 toilets, etc...) that serve only to drain money from China while spreading foreign influence/style/culture, will be confronted with more and more obstacles until they leave because they benefit neither China's technological growth, nor its Chinese identity.

NO..China mustn't upset the religious freaks followers. If China is growing strong on her own values that means closed minded religious followers and their values are meaningless. Yes, deep down it is that way. It's either "follow my way or no way at all" end game. :eek::D:p


Junior Member
I wonder what the price per person is? I know that taking the airplane is faster (excluding the trip to the airport" and also cheaper in the US.

Iron Man

Registered Member
On the other hand, the Red Dynasty's increasing hostile business policies towards foreign companies and NGOs acts as breaks and impede its own efforts to assimilate the world. Resistance isn't futile.
Borg reference is irrelevant. China seeks to improve itself.


Lieutenant General
Online services, robotics, drones, smartphones, electronic payment systems, mobile games, super computers, cyber security, the internet of things, e-commerce: not just random words but rather those sectors where China has become a dominant force in just a few years.
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According to BI Intelligence, a Chinese brand, DJI, has gained a 75% share of the US commercial drone market.


Almost unknown in the West until recently, such names and services as Alibaba, Didi, Baidu and Wechat are now circulating wildly among media outlets, professionals and on smartphones around the world.

A major
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recently held in Amsterdam featured a large number of Chinese speakers on a variety of topics, along with many top-level research and security products made in China.

Two top hardware manufacturers, Huawei and Xiaomi, are investing significant resources in research and development. And a few days ago,
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that it is developing its own operating system, while Xiaomi has launched its foldable electric bicycle. As the
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, “is there anything that China’s Xiaomi doesn’t sell?”

Wechat is being
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worldwide, while its parent company Tencent Holdings Ltd.
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the Finnish company Supercell, producer of Clash of Clans, for $8.6 billion. Thus the high-tech group is becoming a leader not just in the mobile messaging sector, but also when it comes to games played on smartphones and tablets.

Tech giants and universities are spending billions in research and development. According to the OECD, China was the
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, allocating $294 billion compared to the US, a top-spender at around $454 billion that year. Furthermore, China is leading on patents. According to
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, China is filling patents in every single sector.


Image: Economist
But there is more. As renowned New York Times tech reporter John Markoff explains in
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, “China dominates a biannual ranking of the world’s 500 fastest supercomputers. Also for the first time, the world’s fastest supercomputer uses Chinese-made microprocessor chips instead of chips from Silicon Valley’s Intel.”

As the same articles points out, “supercomputers are viewed in scientific circles as an indicator of national technology leadership”. A leadership that is becoming increasingly unstoppable: tech giants, universities and other businesses are investing heavy resources in research and development to foster local talents and projects that will further benefit the Chinese economy.


Last March, US tech media company The Information organized an event in China led by its director Jessica E. Lessin to better understand how this technology ecosystem is growing so fast. And a
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argued that “after three weeks in China, it's clear Beijing is Silicon Valley’s only true competitor”.

This overall trend leaves little doubt on what many stakeholders in the West perceive as a big problem, that is, a Chinese Digital Empire with no borders and few competitors.

On the other hand, though, it is obvious that such fast growth is also challenging for China itself. One of the most significant challenges is whether the Chinese government will be able to arrange and implement effective policies on such complex topics as privacy and cybersecurity, to name just a few. Also crucial will be to define a fair working relationship between tech companies, government and citizens. In other words, those broad and successful developments require a deep commitment to the future of the country itself. For example, Chinese officials should commit to bringing fast internet connectivity everywhere, implement digital literacy options, and switch to online services to ease bureaucracy. But at the same time they must protect citizen rights and provide some balanced policies on national security.

These are crucial points to ensure that this new tech leadership will benefit China in its entirety (and even beyond), while also pushing the US to get even more competitive in a sector that is increasingly up for grabs.



Lieutenant General
DJI drones are also infamously known for their use by ISIS fighters. Recently one of them was modified to drop grenades onto government positions.

Heck any RC models can do the same as well (carrying grenades to be dropped or crash onto enemy position), again it would be a matter of cost over the long run.


The argument started from what was stated from this report.

According to BI Intelligence, a Chinese brand, DJI, has gained a 75% share of the US commercial drone market.

Basically the present US commercial drone market is mainly for recreational purposes and DJI manufactures toy RC drones. It's the same as Parrot the French company that manufactures similar products.