News on China's scientific and technological development.


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GUANGZHOU - Scientific expedition vessel "Xiangyanghong 10" on Friday officially joined China's oceanic research team.

Construction of the 4,500-tonne ship took from June 2012 to this January and was implemented by the Second Institute of Oceanography under the State Oceanic Administration (SOA) and the Zhejiang Taihe Shipping Co., Ltd..

This is the first scientific expedition vessel jointly built by a government-sponsored institution and a private company, said an SOA statement.

With a maximum sailing distance of 12,000 nautical miles without refueling, the ship is named after the old "Xiangyanghong 10" which carried Chinese researchers in the country's first Antarctic expedition in 1984.

According to the statement, the new ship is capable of conducting oceanic and deep sea observation, exploration, sampling and analysis, and it will serve as a mobile lab and experimentation platform.


Banned Idiot
Step by step China is becoming even more self sufficient:
China's high-speed trains will use 'Chinese chips'
China's first 8-inch IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) chip production line, built by CSR (China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corporation Limited) Zhuzhou base, will be put in operation in June 2014.

This means that China has broken foreign monopoly on the core technology of high-speed trains, and China's high-speed trains will use the "Chinese chips."

The high-speed trains manufactured by CSR, with the domestic 8-inch IGBT chips installed, achieved a speed of over 600 kilometers per hour in the test run. CSR will become the only company in China which has comprehensively mastered IGBT chip technology R&D, module packaging & testing and system application.
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CAS Magnet Sets World Record

WM5, a resistive magnet belonging to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HMFL) in Hefei, Anhui Province, sets a new magnetic field world record on April 23. The magnet, with a 50mm working bore, achieved 35.01 Tesla with input of 24MW/36,820A direct current.

Experiment site in cell 5 of facilities hall of High Magnetic Field Laboratory (Image by HMFL)

High magnetic fields are very important to multidisciplinary research. The strongest magnetic field used to be less than 20 Tesla due to limitations of superconducting materials used in the magnets. Obtaining higher magnetic field strength has relied on the development of resistive magnets.

The Steady High Magnetic Field Facility of HMFL is a national S&T infrastructure project initiated during China’s 11th Five-year Plan (2006-2010). WM5 is the second water-cooled resistive magnet in operation at the facility. The entire magnet system, including the supporting power supply, cooling system and central control system, was designed and developed independently by engineers and technicians at HMFL.


The Capitalist
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Now this is something!

A Chinese firm in Shanghai is able to use giant 3D Printers to work with a mix of concrete and building waste and print 10 small complete houses every day.

Cost per house is £5000 per piece and not a single builders butt crack to be seen!

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Lieutenant General
Now this is something!

A Chinese firm in Shanghai is able to use giant 3D Printers to work with a mix of concrete and building waste and print 10 small complete houses every day.

Cost per house is £5000 per piece and not a single builders butt crack to be seen!

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Oh sweet Jesus, that means I can move and afford a home in California!;):p

So...I'm guessing the plumbing, electrical, and mechanical systems has to be done outside of the wall from inside the house of course.
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The Capitalist
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Oh sweet Jesus, that means I can move and afford a home in California!;):p

So...I'm guessing the plumbing, electrical, and mechanical systems has to be done outside of the wall from inside the house of course.

The print will just give you the shell and I do wonder if the process is good enough with this material to print access conduits, holes etc. Even if not, you just knock them through or build them up afterwards.
What seems clear is that (subject to drying) you can print the structure and then once ready transport straight to the prepared site and place and potentially (fitting windows and doors) make weatherproof by end of day one.

This is of course just the start of this technology and the implications for the production of large seamless concrete structures (sorry cannot remember the name of the process) in the near future is mind blowing.

These houses are really a demonstration of the process and yes they are very small. No reason though that as Solaris says, you just build your various rooms sections and then stick together, again probably within one day of arrival on site.

The company though are talking about their hopes for sky scrapers (not currently legal in China for constructions by this method) and here I think the true potential fpr the process lies.
this is to do with the ability to produce modular units for rapid assembly, presumably off of a steel skeleton. I also wonder if these printers can be set up on site? If so you have a very fast and cost effective method of bulk construction.


Some buildings don't have to be fancy, like warehouses or rent-out storage rooms, for example.

Wonder how much they can scale this up.

edit: I have another link that make the price of a single 'house' as $5000 USD (£3000.00)(
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). It seem like the sort of money that a recently out young man could save up in a year on a decent salary 40-50k without much problem. That averages out to equivalent of paying around $100 a week for renting a flat. A bargain I think and a foothold place until you have enough for a more decent house.
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Lieutenant General
The trick is how to 3D print it integrating all the mechanical, electical, and plumbing systems as well as the structures within the walls itself. At least this one has a very good insulation and R-Value therefore saves you a lot of electricity because of little need for heating and cooling.


BYD’s “5-4-2” performance standard for New Energy Vehicles; 3 models over 3 years
1 May 2014

Using the recent Beijing Auto Show as its stage, BYD introduced its new “5-4-2” New Energy Vehicle performance standard and a series of cars designed to meet it. “5” represents the maximum time in seconds to accelerate from zero to 100 km/h (0-60 mph in less than 5 seconds) in future car models. “4” stands for the number of wheels under power; BYD’s future new energy cars will be integrated with all-wheel drive. “2” stands for the maximum liters of gasoline maximum that will be consumed for 100 km traveled in a BYD car—i.e., 2.0 l/100 km, or 118 mpg US.


BYD introduced its first 5-4-2 vehicle at the show, the Tang plug-in hybrid SUV. Tang accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in only 4.9 seconds, has a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine paired with two electric motors and consumes less than 2L of fuel in 100 km traveled.
“This is not just a dream. In the electronic era, we can do things we couldn’t do in the mechanical eras.”
—BYD Chariman Wang Chuanfu

Tang has two modes for 4WD and four driving modes. In electric (EV) mode, it applies “all-time” 4WD with zero fuel consumption. In hybrid (HEV) mode, it applies “real-time” 4WD and consumes less than 2 L for 100 km traveled.

BYD said it will introduce a super-hybrid in 2016, the “Ming” that will be powered by four independent, in-wheel driving motors, which can make one wheel steering forward while one wheel steering backward on opposite wheels to rotate in place. The Tang, the Han for 2015 and the Ming for 2016 will all meet the 5-4-2 standard.

Last year, BYD launched its Qin plug-in hybrid (earlier post) with a racing competition in Beijing. Qin beat 19 cars including a Porsche 911, Golf GTI and some other well-known vehicles accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in only 5.9 seconds. Qin has become the top selling New Energy Vehicle in China with sales just under 2,000 units per month now, despite being launched in only two Chinese city markets (Tianjin and Shanghai).

BYD Chairman Wang Chuanfu said when the Tang is launched in Beijing this year, there will be another race. If any challenger of any standard-stock luxury class car beats Tang, BYD will provide a reward of 10,000 RMB (US$1,600) per challenger.

At the show, BYD emphasized that it is not phasing out its conventional car line-up. BYD’s “Green Mobility” evolution applies to the conventional car and New Energy Vehicles equally.