News on China's scientific and technological development.


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China's Tianhe-2 retakes fastest supercomputer crownComments (87) Tianhe-2 The Tianhe-2 is nearly twice as fast as the next computer on the list Continue reading the main story

A China-based supercomputer has leapfrogged rivals to be named the world's most powerful system.

Tianhe-2, developed by the government-run National University of Defence Technology, topped the latest list of the fastest 500 supercomputers, by a team of international researchers.

They said the news was a "surprise" since the system had not been expected to be ready until 2015.

China last held the top rank between November 2010 and June 2011.

According to the list, the US has the world's second and third fastest supercomputers, Titan and Sequoia, while Japan's K computer drops to fourth spot.

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Fastest supercomputers
1. Tianhe-2 (China)

2. Titan (US)

3. Sequoia (US)

4. K computer (Japan)

5. Mira (US)

6. Stampede (US)

7. Juqueen (Germany)

8. Vulcan (US)

9. SuperMuc (Germany)

10. Tianhe-1A (China)

The latest version of the twice-yearly list - which is overseen by Hans Meuer, professor of computer science at the University of Mannheim - was published to coincide with the International Supercomputing Conference in Leipzig, Germany.

Unique features

According to the Linpack benchmark, Tianhe-2 - meaning Milky Way-2 - operates at 33.86 petaflop/sec, the equivalent of 33,860 trillion calculations per second.

The benchmark measures real-world performance - but in theory the machine can boost that to a "peak performance" of 54.9 petaflop/sec.

The project was sponsored by the Chinese government's 863 High Technology Programme - an effort to make the country's hi-tech industries more competitive and less dependent on overseas rivals.

It has said it intends to install the equipment at the National Supercomputer Centre in Guangzhou, based in the country's south-eastern Guandong province, where it will be offered as a "research and education" resource to southern China.

The machine uses a total of 3.12 million processor cores, using Intel's Ivy Bridge and Xeon Phi chips to carry out its calculations.

However, the University of Tennessee's Jack Dongarra - a member of the Top 500 list team who visited the project in May - noted that many of its features were developed in China and are unique. These include:

A custom-built interconnection network, which routes data across the system
The inclusion of 4,096 Galaxy FT-1500 CPUs (central processing units) designed by the university - these have been installed to handle specific weather-forecasting and national-defence applications and are not included in the headline performance figures
The use of the Kylin operating system - this Linux-based OS is named after a mythical beast known as the "Chinese unicorn", and was designed by the university to be a high-security option for users in government, defence, energy, aerospace and other critical industries
Tianhe-2 supercomputer Tianhe-2 uses a locally developed Linux-based operating system
On paper the Tianhe-2's performance is nearly double that of the next computer on the list.

Titan, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, clocks 17.59 petaflop/sec of performance, according to the Linpack benchmark, and a theoretical peak of 27.11 petaflop/sec.

Mr Dongarra noted that the US government is not expected to acquire another supercomputer until 2015.

Japan's Fujitsu-built K computer - which displaced China's Tianhe-1 as the world's fastest supercomputer - now comes in fourth on the Top 500 list with a Linpack benchmark performance of 10.51 petaflop/sec.

According to the survey's editors, China now accounts for 66 of the list's fastest computers, which is actually a fall from six months ago when it had 72 in the list.

The US dominates the survey with 252 systems, Japan has 30, the UK has 29, France has 23 and Germany has 19.
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This one has more details and much less noise from the comment section.

June 17, 2013

Top 500 Results Reveal Global Acceleration, Balance Shift

Nicole Hemsoth


Moments ago the founders of the Top 500 supercomputer rankings unleashed the results of their 41st incarnation of the list at the International Supercomputing Conference in Leipzig, Germany.

And unlike other years where heated speculation about the victors swirled before the show, this announcement of the winner came as little surprise. Word about the Xeon Phi-boosted Chinese Tianhe-2 system leaked, but was quickly validated by Dr. Jack Dongarra after his own visit to China in the last couple of weeks.

The initial reports rolled down the mountain following a gun-jumping presentation by the Chinese during the International HPC Forum in Changsha, China in late May during which all was (prematurely) revealed--in part, if one might speculate, to show the supercomputing dons that the fabled next-gen Milky Way was tangible, operational and ready to rock collective Linpack socks.

The real story during this iteration of benchmarks deviates from the dead heat races of highly similar top-end systems vying for slivers of performance differentiation. In fact, there hasn’t been much change at all for the usual suspects that haunted November’s rankings. Even the mighty Titan’s numbers are the same since the team decided to stable their race horse and use November results.

more at the link here....

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(Just don't read the comments if you're prone to vomiting.)

China's Tianhe-2 retakes fastest supercomputer crownComments (87) Tianhe-2 The Tianhe-2 is nearly twice as fast as the next computer on the list Continue reading the main story...



the history of NUDT first supercomputer



National supercomputing centers in china...




Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
True but those salt water has to be filtered in case of spills that could contaminate the soil that can affect farming crop growth with too much salt in the soil.

When you have a spill of the fracking water, the salt content is the last thing you have to worry about. Please read about the recent spill in Alberta by a company named Apache (?). The whole area is dead


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Quantum cryptography in China

At present, China’s WAN Quantum Communication Network Plan has already begun. As the only team in China carrying out space quantum communication research, Pan Jianwei’s team takes the lead to organize the Institute of Strategic Organization pilot project “quantum science experimental satellite” according to which the satellite is scheduled to be launched in 2016 or so. On this basis China is building up its high-speed satellite-ground quantum communication which will be further developed into wide-area quantum network system.

In 2005, the Chinese team for the first time in the world achieved a 13 km free-space quantum communication experiment which confirmed the feasibility of satellite-ground of quantum communication;

In 2012, the Chinese team completed one hundred kilometers free-space quantum teleportation and entanglement distribution experiment in the Qinghai Lake;

In 2013, the first successful full range verification of the satellite-ground quantum key distribution, which laid a solid technical foundation for the realization of global quantum communication.

Backbone quantum communication network will be put into use in three years

Pan Jianwei pointed out that, at present, China’s metropolitan quantum cryptography communication technology is basically matureed, application of which can be pushed forward; inter-city fiber quantum communication network linking Beijing and Shanghai under backbone quantum communication project “Beijing-Shanghai Route” has been officially started, and it is expected to be put into use within two to three years.

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Revelation that secret communications system was used at the party congress last autumn shows high level of security concern in Beijing

Beijing was so worried about cyberspies during last autumn's party congress that it turned to a secret, state-of-the-art telecommunications network to handle sensitive information. Use of the next-generation quantum encryption technology at the once-in-a-decade leadership transition was revealed in a passing remark reported last week in People's Daily.

Chinese scientists are well aware of how vulnerable data can be when it is being transmitted, describing it as the weakest link in their security. Revelations by whistle-blower Edward Snowden that the US is targeting "network backbones" - through which huge amounts of data are transmitted - confirmed their fears.

Now all major countries are pouring resources into developing large-scale quantum networks. China came late into the game, but it is now the subject of a major national project. And Beijing plans to launch the world's first quantum communications satellite in 2016, a top mainland researcher told the South China Morning Post.

In quantum mechanics, connections are made between two points when photons of light become entangled. This creates an encryption key that can be used to send the message through normal channels.

But if somebody tries to spy on that quantum communication, the connection is so fragile it disrupts the entanglement - letting both the sender and the receiver of the message know someone is snooping.

For years, Beijing has prohibited key government institutes and agencies from handling sensitive information by connection to the global internet. The enclosed systems include the China Golden Bridge Network, used by government institutes, and several military backbone networks. They run on homegrown operating systems and on computers with core chips designed and developed by Chinese companies. Data is heavily encrypted to ensure security.

But even such measures may not go far enough. Data can be intercepted during transmission, while even the best encryption can be deciphered by talented mathematicians equipped with supercomputers. Scientists involved in the quantum programme believe Snowden's revelations will "definitely speed up" China's move to quantum communications.

Even before the Snowden incident, Beijing leaders had used prototype quantum networks on critical occasions.

The latest example was during the party congress last year, which saw Xi Jinping succeed Hu Jintao as party chief. In the days leading up to the congress, intense horse-trading and negotiations among political leaders required an absolutely safe channel for communication. But scientists still have one serious hurdle to overcome before they can apply the technology on a larger scale.

Professor Bao Xiaohui , a quantum information expert with the National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the Microscale in Hefei , said most quantum communications networks in use today can operate over a maximum distance of only about 50 kilometres. Bao's laboratory is leading the research of quantum communications on the mainland and now holds several records for the distance covered.

In traditional telecommunications, digital information is carried by electrons or photons in waves that can be amplified to achieve long-distance communication. But in quantum communication, the information is carried in the quantum state of each photon. The quantum state cannot be amplified once the photon has left the sender - much as a bullet cannot be given more spin after it has left the barrel of a gun.

After a certain distance, the quantum state might weaken or disappear. While existing fibre-optic cable networks are ideal for conventional, "wave-like" communications, they are inefficient for carrying individual photons over long distances. To overcome this limitation, scientists have come up with the idea of quantum repeater. When a photon reaches the repeater it activates some sleeping atoms.

In a delicate operation, scientists can force these atoms back to sleep and in the process emit a new photon carrying the same quantum state. But the operation is very difficult, Bao says. The energised atoms are quite unstable and can easily be affected by external elements such as the earth's magnetic field and lose their quantum state.

To achieve long-distance quantum communication, Bao's team is building what is expected to be the world's first quantum communications satellite. Because photons can travel long distances in the open, especially in space, they could carry the quantum information between two locations thousands of kilometres apart with uplink and downlink to the satellite.

Detailed information on the satellite is classified, but Bao says it will look completely different from communications satellites today that rely on microwaves.

"It will not have a dish antenna to pick up or beam the signal because the communication would be purely optical," he said. "It will use a lot of mirrors, for sure. To some extent it may look like the Hubble Space Telescope - the difference is that its eyes would be pointing at the earth instead of the far universe."

Bao says the quantum satellite's signals cannot be intercepted. Unlike radio waves that would propagate as they travelled, the photons would aim precisely at a specific receiving station. Any attempted interception would be detected. But it is difficult to judge when quantum communication will become available for use by ordinary people. Existing encryption and protection methods are still good enough for the public, Bao says.

Tang Wei , cybersecurity engineer with mainland anti-virus company Rising, says that security technology, no matter how advanced it is, can only be as good as the person handling it. "No technology is absolutely safe because all technology is used by humans," he said.
"With an insider, you can get into the most heavily guarded system without even touching a keyboard."
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China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has announced that it has finally been able to successfully produce enriched uranium for industrial purposes using domestically made technology.

The first batch of the independently produced fuel, made in a facility in Lanzhou, Gansu Province, on Friday, can be used in nuclear power stations nationwide after further processing. The move, widely seen as a great step in the country's nuclear industry, helps industrialize the process of enriching uranium.

"After years of research, China has finally achieved this goal. China has become one of the few countries that own independent uranium enrichment technology and use it for industry.
It is a milestone," said Lei Zengguang, chief engineer of CNNC on Monday.

Uranium enrichment technology is critical to a country's nuclear industry, as raw natural uranium contains only 0.7 percent of uranium-235, with the remaining 99.3 percent being uranium-238. Most of China's nuclear power stations need enriched uranium, containing 2 to 5 percent of uranium-235, reported China Central Television (CCTV) Saturday.

"The Lanzhou plant uses self-designed gas centrifuge machines to separate uranium-235 and -238," Lei said, adding that gas centrifuges consume less power compared with other enrichment means, halving the general costs.

"Among all the means of uranium enrichment, gas centrifuges are the most mature. They have already been used in countries such as Russia and the UK," an unnamed nuclear professor with Tsinghua University told the Global Times Monday. "It's a key technology for any country to produce nuclear fuel. That symbolizes the nuclear industrialization level of a country," he said.

"These gas centrifuge machines will be responsible for supplying fuel to all 17 nuclear power stations under operation in China. It can even meet the entire demand by 2020, when the requirement will be five times more than it is now," Zhu Ji, manager of the Lanzhou uranium enrichment plant, was quoted by CNNC's website as saying.

"Independent uranium enrichment is essential for China's nuclear industry. It will definitely help China to complete its nuclear production chain with low costs," the professor told the Global Times Monday.

The Lanzhou plant welcomed its first ever visit by reporters on Friday.

"Citing confidentiality, I cannot provide you with more details on those gas centrifuges," an unnamed employee with CNNC told the Global Times on Monday, adding that the Lanzhou facility was founded in 1958 and had never been open to the public.


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A Chinese institute has successfully developed a camera featuring a 100-megapixel charge-coupled device (CCD) chip, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) announced on Wednesday.

It is currently China's highest pixel camera, the academy said in a statement. The camera, IOE3-Kanban, was developed by the Institute of Optics and Electronics under the CAS and is capable of producing images with 10,240 x 10,240 pixels, the statement said.

Moreover, it is small and light, with its widest part measuring only 19.3 cm, the statement said, adding that it can be used at temperatures ranging from minus 20 degrees centigrade to 55 degrees centigrade.

Its high sensitivity and high dynamic range (HDR) features mean it will be useful in high-resolution imaging in the fields of aerial mapping, city planning, disaster monitoring and intelligent transportation systems
, the statement said.

The statement said the camera is equipped with advanced optical systems, camera control systems and high-capacity data recording systems, and it has proven successful in a recent trial use as a part of a national aerial remote-sensing system.

According to the statement, the institute also developed an 81-megapixel camera during the 10th Five Year Plan period (2001-2005), and the latest achievement took the researchers two years to develop.
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Jinan Machine Tool win another punch line to the U.S. auto manufacturing-China exports help the U.S. auto industry

济南二机床再赢对美冲压线出口 中国制造助力美国汽车工业

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2013-07-15 08:48:04

关键字 >> 中国制造福特汽车济南二机床济二机床福特汽车肯塔基工厂福特汽车堪萨斯工厂济二机床厂冲压线观察者头条头条




















2013-07-15 08:48:04

Auto Translation:

Keyword >> Chinese manufacturers Ford Jinan Second Machine Tool Franciscan two machine Ford Kentucky factory Ford Kansas Plant Machine Tool Plant Franciscan two press linesObserver headlines headlines

July 11, 2013, Jinan Second Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd. held a "Ford Kentucky plant will start punching line item and press conference," released yet another exciting news: Following the 2011 include Kansas and Detroit Ford two factories, all five large punch line order, Jinan Second Machine Tool Group once again won the Kentucky factory Ford large stamping line items.

Not long ago, Jinan Second Machine Tool Ford Kansas Plant to provide punch lines project successfully passed final acceptance, officially put into use. This is China's first proprietary car quick punch line into overseas famous automobile machine factory from low-finished products made in China to enter the industrial production equipment, a major breakthrough.

According to the deputy general manager Zhang Shun introduced Jinan Machine Tool, Ford Motor Company USA projects include group companies undertake successive U.S. headquarters two Ford Motor Company factory five large fast feeding punch line orders, of which a project is located in Kansas, is a full arms automatically and quickly press line. This production line consists of four multi-link press, with a total tonnage of 6,100 tons, by the arms and feeding system, unstacking machines, washing machines, oiled machines and other equipment, the application of multi-link, CNC hydraulic drawing pad, synchronization control , automatic changeover, the entire line of protection, and a number of key technologies, production beats 15 beats / min, is 2-3 times the normal automatic line; automatic changeover time of 3 minutes, an ordinary automatic line third, is currently the world's most advanced level of punch line.

Being installed Ford Kansas Plant Press Line

Being installed Ford Kentucky factory stamping line

Production lines will be installed in the Ford Motor Company in the United States a new factory for the production of Ford's best-selling models, the plant is the only one punch line. Two projects include four arms and automatic quick punch lines will be installed in the Ford Motor Company in Detroit factory. The plant press shop was founded in 1938, represents the cultural heritage of Ford, Ford Motor Company is significant. Manufactured by the Franciscan two four arms quick punch lines that will replace the original factory more than 20 old-fashioned punch lines, producing the Ford Motor Company the latest models. Currently, the punch line is Ford Detroit factory installation will be completed in January 2014.

Jinan Machine Tool Ford's Kentucky plant will provide high-speed stamping stamping projects 6100 tons production line consists of four sets of large multi-link arm presses and feeding system, unstacking machines, washing machines, oiled machines and other automated equipment components, using the multi-link, CNC hydraulic drawing pad, synchronous control, automatic changeover, the entire line of protection, and a number of key technologies, the maximum per minute stamping 15 large automobile covering parts (an ordinary automatic line 2-3 times), all Automatic replacement of the mold takes only 2.8 minutes (one-third of the ordinary automatic line), representative of the current world's most advanced technology. The project started in June 2013 and will be completed in April 2015 and put into use.

Kentucky Ford factory mainly produces heavy-duty trucks, and its center of production of heavy stamping stamping parts supply factory use only, but also exported to Venezuela, Brazil, Mexico, Canada and other countries. Factory had been made in Germany using two stamping production line, and this time, Ford chose China.

Jinan Machine Tool Production JAC stamping production line

Jinan Machine Tool Production JAC stamping production line

In 2010, China became the world's largest car producer, but at the same time, China is also the world's largest importer of automobile production equipment. China's automobile industry's need for high-end CNC machine tools and basic equipment most dependent on imports. China Machine Tool Industry Association, authorities told reporters that 40 percent of the domestic supply of metal-cutting machine tools automotive industry, but few can enter the engine production line and other key areas. OEMs in China, four processes (stamping, welding, painting, assembly) need to import most of the required equipment.

But in the first stamping process equipment manufacturer, Jinan Second Machine Tool has come from behind to become a strong competitor in this field. Currently, Jinan Second Machine Tool CNC punching equipment in the field of domestic automobile industry occupies more than 80% market share; Meanwhile, back in 2010, the company can develop and produce the world's most advanced 15 per minute stamping large automobile covering parts of the whole Automatic punch line. At that time, the German stamping supplier to the Chinese users with the highest level of fast punch line production 13.5 beats per minute.

April 2010, Jinan Second Machine Tool developed the first of "15 line" in Shanghai GM Dong Yue Motors put into trial production. In the ensuing months, Jinan Second Machine Tool has cooperated with Shanghai GM, FAW - Volkswagen and other domestic car manufacturers signed more than 10 high speed feeding punch line.

Since the implementation of major projects, Jinan Second Machine Tool has invested 480 million yuan improve the innovation system, and the capture of 35 key technical difficulties, 12 national invention patents, utility model patents, 11, 5 the development of national standards, industry-standard one, Enterprise standard 20. A comprehensive scientific and technological innovation as the support, let Jinan Machine Tool arms high in a single feeding line, a large multi-station presses, large servo stamping presses and other fields, and the latest international technology standards, to achieve synchronous development.

Jinan Machine Tool as Shanghai GM Dong Yue Motors Co. stamping production line

Jinan Machine Tool as Shanghai GM Dong Yue Motors Co. stamping production line

In the international market, Jinan Second Machine Tool has won the United States, Australia, Brazil, India, Thailand and other customers of 2,000 tons, 5,000 tons multi-station press, 1000 tons of heavy blanking line, 3,200 tons of key projects such as large stamping line orders as GM, Ford, Mercedes, Suzuki, Honda, Nissan and other international auto giants global supplier, by foreign customers as "the world's three stamping equipment manufacturers" one.

In order to complete the stamping production line exported to the United States, Jinan Second Machine Tool Group set up a special project team, project coordinator with the Ford network weekly conference calls, beginning from the design aspect, according to Ford standards, technical standards and develop nearly a hundred kinds of normative documents , throughout the life cycle of the product in a variety of problems that may occur predictive analysis and risk assessment; focused on enhancing the product quality assurance to take various measures to carry out strict process control, further improve work standards, amendments and complements more than 200 manufacturing process specifications and operating instructions; starting compound talents training plan, conduct English language training, skills training and other types of training were held more than 30 training courses for 550 people, tens of thousands of hours.

Transportation and installation and commissioning stage is the most tested and challenged link. 5 punch line, nearly 2,000 large boxes of goods, after more than 60 days shipping, rail and road transport ocean arrival, during which you must ensure foolproof; dispatch of more than 50 technical and security personnel rushed to the American tune guidance, away from their loved ones, night stick, providing guidance 9000 Cheonan tune the workload. With two of the final economic challenges and to play, hardships and efforts, handed in a satisfactory answer.