News on China's scientific and technological development.


Fierce rivals have joined forces in the race to teleport information to and from space.

Three years ago, Jian-Wei Pan brought a bit of Star Trek to the Great Wall of China. From a site near the base of the wall in the hills north of Beijing, he and his team of physicists from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in Hefei aimed a laser at a detector on a rooftop 16 kilometres away, then used the quantum properties of the laser's photons to 'teleport' information across the intervening space1.

At the time, it was a world distance record for quantum teleportation, and a major step towards the team's ultimate aim of teleporting photons to a satellite.

If that goal is achieved, it will establish the first links of a 'quantum Internet' that harnesses the powers of subatomic physics to create a super-secure global communication network. It will confirm China's ascent in the field, from a bit-player a little more than a decade ago to a global powerhouse: in 2016, ahead of Europe and North America, China plans to launch a satellite dedicated to quantum-science experiments.

It will offer physicists a new arena in which to test the foundations of quantum theory, and explore how they fit together with the general theory of relativity — Einstein's very different theory of space, time and gravity.

It will also mark the culmination of Pan's long, yet fiercely competitive, friendship with Anton Zeilinger, a physicist at the University of Vienna. Zeilinger was Pan's PhD adviser, then for seven years his rival in the long-distance quantum-teleportation race, and now his collaborator.

Once the satellite launches, the two physicists plan to create the first intercontinental quantum-secured network, connecting Asia to Europe by satellite. “There's an old Chinese saying, 'He who teaches me for one day is my father for life',” says Pan. “In scientific research, Zeilinger and I collaborate equally, but emotionally I always regard him as my respected elder.” ...

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The first domestic 1000kW high temperature superconducting motor developed by the 712th research institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation has passed the Ministry of Science and Technology project acceptance. China became one of the few countries to master the design and manufacturing capabilities of a megawatt HTS motor. HTS tech is used for in the field of marine electric propulsion motors:
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The Institute will now focus on the practical study of a large-capacity HTS motor, which is expected to enter the engineering development in 2020.




Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content! 2012-12-21 17:23:54

BEIJING, Dec. 21 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have made a breakthrough in cracking a key technology in constructing integrated circuits (IC), news which is expected to help pull up global market shares of domestic IC producers.

The Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMECAS) announced on Friday that it has developed metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors with a gate length of 22 nanometers, a preliminary step to obtaining electronic circuits with a width of just 22 nonometers.

Instead of turning to traditional materials such as silica and polysilicon, researchers tried high-k/metal-gate materials in making the device to save cost and ensure the device's "world-class performance and low power dissipation," according to the IMECAS.

Technology firms around the world are coveting 22-nanometer IC technology for its potential to hack the cost of manufacturing products like computers and cellphones that are heavily reliant on the minuscule circuits.

China initiated its research in this field in 2009 as one of its major national scientific projects.

The IMECAS said the full harnessing of 22-nanometer IC technology would mean huge savings for China in importing foreign technologies and boost China-made IC products' competitiveness.

Twenty-two nanometers is about one-2,300th of the length of a hair's diameter, while 22-nanometer IC technology can make it possible to put 10 million transistors in an area equivalent to the cross section of a hair.

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High-Voltage DC Breakthrough Could Boost Renewable Energy

High-voltage DC transmission lines carry electricity from China's massive Three Gorges dam, the largest power plant in the world. Advocates of HVDC think it has an even greater role to play in bringing renewable energy to the grid.

Photograph by Zheng Jiayu, Xinhua Press/Corbis
Patrick J. Kiger
For National Geographic News
Published December 5, 2012

Thomas Edison championed direct current, or DC, as a better mode for delivering electricity than alternating current, or AC. But the inventor of the light bulb lost the War of the Currents. Despite Edison's sometimes flamboyant efforts—at one point he electrocuted a Coney Island zoo elephant in an attempt to show the technology's hazards—AC is the primary way that electricity flows from power plants to homes and businesses everywhere. (Related Quiz: "What You Don't Know About Electricity")

But now, more than a century after Edison's misguided stunt, DC may be getting a measure of vindication.

An updated, high-voltage version of DC, called HVDC, is being touted as the transmission method of the future because of its ability to transmit current over very long distances with fewer losses than AC. And that trend may be accelerated by a new device called a hybrid HVDC breaker, which may make it possible to use DC on large power grids without the fear of catastrophic breakdown that stymied the technology in the past. (See related photos: "World's Worst Power Outages.")

Swiss-based power technology and automation giant ABB, which developed the breaker, says it may also prove critical to the 21st century's transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources, by tapping the full potential of massive wind farms and solar generating stations to provide electricity to distant cities.

So far, the device has been tested only in laboratories, but ABB's chief executive, Joe Hogan, touts the hybrid HVDC breaker as "a new chapter in the history of electrical engineering," and predicts that it will make possible the development of "the grid of the future"—that is, a massive, super-efficient network for distributing electricity that would interconnect not just nations but multiple continents. Outside experts aren't quite as grandiose, but they still see the breaker as an important breakthrough.

"I'm quite struck by the potential of this invention," says John Kassakian, an electrical engineering and computer science professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "If it works on a large scale and is economical to use, it could be a substantial asset."

Related: Can Algae Power the Future ?

Going the Distance

The hybrid HVDC breaker may herald a new day for Edison's favored mode of electricity, in which current is transmitted in a constant flow in one direction, rather than in the back-and-forth of AC. In the early 1890s, DC lost the so-called War of the Currents mostly because of the issue of long-distance transmission.

In Edison's time, because of losses due to electrical resistance, there wasn't an economical technology that would enable DC systems to transmit power over long distances. Edison did not see this as a drawback because he envisioned electric power plants in every neighborhood.

But his rivals in the pioneering era of electricity, Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse, instead touted AC, which could be sent long distances with fewer losses. AC's voltage, (think of it as analogous to the pressure in a water line), could be stepped up and down easily through the use of transformers. That meant high-voltage AC could be transmitted long distances until it entered neighborhoods, where it would be transformed to safer low-voltage electricity.

Thanks to AC, smoke-belching, coal-burning generating plants could be built miles away from the homes and office buildings they powered. It was the idea that won the day, and became the basis for the proliferation of electric power systems across the United States and around the world.

But advances in technology ultimately made it possible to transmit DC at higher voltages. The advantages of HVDC then became readily apparent. Compared to AC, HVDC is more efficient—a thousand-mile HVDC line carrying thousands of megawatts might lose 6 to 8 percent of its power, compared to 12 to 25 percent for a similar AC line. And HVDC would require fewer lines along a route. That made it better suited to places where electricity must be transmitted extraordinarily long distances from power plants to urban areas. It also is more efficient for underwater electricity transmission.

In recent years, companies such as ABB and Germany's Siemens have built a number of big HVDC transmission projects, like ABB's 940-kilometer (584-mile) line that went into service in 2004 to deliver power from China's massive Three Gorges hydroelectric plant to Guangdong province in the South. In the United States, Siemens for the first time ever installed a 500-kilovolt submarine cable, a 65-mile HVDC line, to take additional power from the Pennsylvania/New Jersey grid to power-hungry Long Island. (Related: "Can Hurricane Sandy Shed Light on Curbing Power Outages?") And the longest electric transmission line in the world, some 2,500 kilometers (1,553 miles), is under construction by ABB now in Brazil: The Rio-Madeira HVDC project will link two new hydropower plants in the Amazon with São Paulo, the nation's main economic hub. (Related Pictures: "A River People Await an Amazon Dam")

But these projects all involved point-to-point electricity delivery. Some engineers began to envision the potential of branching out HVDC into "supergrids." Far-flung arrays of wind farms and solar installations could be tied together in giant networks. Because of its stability and low losses, HVDC could balance out the natural fluctuations in renewable energy in a way that AC never could. That could dramatically reduce the need for the constant base-load power of large coal or nuclear power plants.

The Need for a Breaker

Until now, however, such renewable energy solutions have faced at least one daunting obstacle. It's much trickier to regulate a DC grid, where current flows continuously, than it is with AC. "When you have a large grid and you have a lightning strike at one location, you need to be able to disconnect that section quickly and isolate the problem, or else bad things can happen to the rest of the grid," such as a catastrophic blackout, explains ABB chief technology officer Prith Banerjee. "But if you can disconnect quickly, the rest of the grid can go on working while you fix the problem." That's where HVDC hybrid breakers—basically, nondescript racks of circuitry inside a power station—could come in. The breaker combines a series of mechanical and electronic circuit-breaking devices, which redirect a surge in current and then shut it off. ABB says the unit is capable of stopping a surge equivalent to the output of a one-gigawatt power plant, the sort that might provide power to 1 million U.S. homes or 2 million European homes, in significantly less time than the blink of an eye.

While ABB's new breaker still must be tested in actual power plants before it is deemed dependable enough for wide use, independent experts say it seems to represent an advance over previous efforts. (Siemens, an ABB competitor, reportedly also has been working to develop an advanced HVDC breaker.)

"I think this hybrid approach is a very good approach," says Narain Hingorani, a power-transmission researcher and consultant who is a fellow with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. "There are other ways of doing the same thing, but they don't exist right now, and they may be more expensive."

Hingorani thinks the hybrid HVDC breakers could play an important role in building sprawling HVDC grids that could realize the potential of renewable energy sources. HVDC cables could be laid along the ocean floor to transmit electricity from floating wind farms that are dozens of mile offshore, far out of sight of coastal residents. HVDC lines equipped with hybrid breakers also would be much cheaper to bury than AC, because they require less insulation, Hingorani says.

For wind farms and solar installations in the Midwest and Rocky Mountain regions, HVDC cables could be run underground in environmentally sensitive areas, to avoid cluttering the landscape with transmission towers and overhead lines. "So far, we've been going after the low-hanging fruit, building them in places where it's easy to connect to the grid," he explains. "There are other places where you can get a lot of wind, but where it's going to take years to get permits for overhead lines—if you can get them at all—because the public is against it."

In other words, whether due to public preference to keep coal plants out of sight, or a desire to harness the force of remote offshore or mountain wind power, society is still seeking the least obtrusive way to deliver electricity long distances. That means that for the same reason Edison lost the War of the Currents at the end of the 19th century, his DC current may gain its opportunity (thanks to technological advances) to serve as the backbone of a cleaner 21st-century grid. (See related story: "The 21st Century Grid: Can we fix the infrastructure that powers our lives?")

This story is part of a special series that explores energy issues. For more, visit The Great Energy Challenge.

Editor's Note: An earlier version of this story incorrectly said that advances in transformer technology made it possible to transmit DC long distances at high voltage. The story now reflects that other technological advances, not improvements in transformers, made that possible. The definitions of voltage and of AC also were amended for clarity.


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Chinese scientists find evidence for speed of gravity

Chinese scientists revealed Wednesday that they have found evidence supporting the hypothesis that gravity travels at the speed of light based on data gleaned from observing Earth tides.

Scientists have been trying to measure the speed of gravity for years through experiments and observations, but few have found valid methods.

By conducting six observations of total and annular solar eclipses, as well as Earth tides, a team headed by Tang Keyun, a researcher with the Institute of Geology and Geophysics under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), found that the Newtonian Earth tide formula includes a factor related to the propagation of gravity.

"Earth tide" refers to a small change in the Earth's surface caused by the gravity of the moon and sun.

Based on the data, the team, with the participation of the China Earthquake Administration and the University of the CAS, found that gravitational force released from the sun and gravitational force recorded at ground stations on Earth did not travel at the same speed, with the time difference exactly the same as the time it takes for light to travel from the sun to observation stations on Earth.

The scientists admitted that the observation stations are located near oceans, indicating that the influence of ocean tides might have been strong enough to interfere with the results.

Consequently, the team conducted separate observations of Earth tides from two stations in Tibet and Xinjiang, two inland regions that are far away from all four oceans, as well as took measures to filter out other potential disturbances.

By applying the new data to the propagation equation of gravity, the team found that the speed of gravity is about 0.93 to 1.05 times the speed of light with a relative error of about 5 percent, providing the first set of strong evidence showing that gravity travels at the speed of light.

Their findings have been published online in English by German science and technology publishing group Springer.

Printed articles in both Chinese and English will be carried in a January 2013 edition of the Chinese Science Bulletin, according to the CAS Institute of Geology and Geophysics


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Powered by independently-designed eight-core processors and a ultra-multi-port Gigabit Ethernet switching chip, the high-performance supercomputer “KD-90” was developed in December by academician Chen Guoliang with help from the China University of Science and Technology and a team from Shenzhen University, according to a Chinese tech newspaper's report.

Equipped with 10 eight-core processors, the Long Xin 3B, the KD-90 has a theoretical peak computing ability of one trillion times per second. The whole computing system, which consists of a front server, five compute nodes, two Gigabit Ethernet switches and a monitoring unit, is no bigger than a microwave oven. Compared to the KD-60, it uses 62 percent less power at 900w.

The supercomputer uses open-source software, some of which are mathematical function libraries especially optimized for the Long Xin 3B processor. The computer also features a visual monitoring and administrating operation system which is highly compatible, easy to upgrade, and user-friendly.

The supercomputer KD-90 can be used for mathematics, science and engineering , military and national security, and economics. According to the experts, the KD-90 is rated among the world’s most highly advanced systems in terms of programming models and networking applications in the computer and server markets.

Before KD-90, Chen and his team developed its predecessors, KD-50 and KD-60, in 2008 and 2010, both of which were powered by China’s self-designed processors, the Long Xin series.


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(—Taking an important step forward for self-powered systems, researchers have built a nanogenerator with an ultrahigh output voltage of 209 V, which is 3.6 times higher than the previous record of 58 V. The nanogenerator, which has an area of less than 1 cm2, can instantly power a commercial LED and could have a wide variety of applications, such as providing a way to power objects in the "Internet of Things."

The researchers, led by Yong Qin at Lanzhou University in Lanzhou, China, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing; and Zhong Lin Wang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Georgia Institute of Technology in the US, have published their study on the new nanogenerator in a recent issue of Nano Letters.

The nanogenerator consists of an array of vertically aligned 420-μm-long nanowires, with electrodes on the top and bottom of the array. Under the periodic impact of an object weighing about half a pound, or simply the press of a finger, the nanogenerator experiences a pressure that causes the nanowire array to deform. Due to the piezoelectric effect, this mechanical compression drives electrons toward the bottom electrode, generating an electric current. When the heavy object is removed, the pressure is released and the electrons flow back through the circuit. By repeating this periodic mechanical deformation on the nanogenerator, the researchers could generate electricity.

The impact of a finger can cause the nanogenerator to produce sufficient current to stimulate a frog’s sciatic nerve, which causes the frog’s gastrocnemius muscle to contract, moving the frog’s leg. Video credit: Long Gu, et al. ©2012 American Chemical Society
The scientists found that the amount of electricity generated by the nanogenerator depends on the impact force. By dropping an object with a weight of 193 grams onto the nanogenerator from different heights ranging from 5 to 13 mm, the scientists observed that the output signal is proportional to the square root of the falling height.

In their experiments, the researchers demonstrated that a large enough impact force applied to the nanogenerator can generate a peak voltage of 209 V and a peak current of 53 μA, corresponding to a current density of 23.5 μA/cm2, which is 2.9 times higher than the previous record output current density of 8.13 μA/cm2.

"The power output of a nanogenerator depends on voltage and current, because the output power is the product of the voltage and current," Wang told "By raising the output voltage, we naturally raised the output power. This is essential for any and all applications for driving small electronics, portable electronics and wireless sensors."

Video showing the full set-up of the nanogenerator connected to an LED, a close-up of the LED, and the LED light shining in synchrony with the nanogenerator’s pulsing electric signals. Video credit: Long Gu, et al. ©2012 American Chemical Society
The researchers showed that the power output achieved here is high enough to directly power a commercial 1.9 V LED. Unlike most other nanogenerators, the new device does not require an energy storage unit, an advantage that can enable self-powered systems to operate in a wide variety of environments.

Besides powering an LED, the nanogenerator may also have biological applications. Here, the researchers used the nanogenerator to stimulate a frog's sciatic nerve and cause the frog's gastrocnemius calf muscle to contract. Previously, this phenomenon has been demonstrated using a large nanogenerator with an area of about 9 cm2, whereas the new nanogenerator with an area of just 0.95 cm2 can perform the same nerve stimulation and induce muscle movement under the small impact of a tiny finger tap.

In the future, tiny high-power nanogenerators like this one could have applications in repairing biological neural networks, in national security, and in the "Internet of Things." In this last scenario, all physical objects would be tagged (such as with radio frequency identification [RFID]), and virtually represented in a future Internet, where they could be monitored in real time.

"The future plan is to continually raise the output power so that we can meet more technological needs," Wang said.


Could this be the next revolution in energy?

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I still doubt that China will become the first country to build a commercially viable thorium power plant as its technological sophistication is still not as advanced as the west. The west began the research first and now that they have restarted it, can overhaul China.