News on China's scientific and technological development.


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"Smart prosthetic arms, developed by BrainCo, one of the six trailblazing tech companies in east China's Hangzhou, have entered mass production, with prices down to 1/7 of their international counterparts.

A non-invasive brain-computer interface technology collects EMG and nerve electrical signals to control the prosthetic arms. The next-generation models currently in testing are equipped with more sensors, enabling users to feel warmth."


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Chinese female mathematician Hong Wang (born 1991) has proven the Kakeya set conjecture. She is now a heavy favorite to win the Fields Medal (the Nobel Prize of mathematics) next year, which would make her the first Chinese winner (Shing-Tung Yau was stateless when he won). For reference, there has been no American-born winner this century.

Screenshot From 2025-02-28 10-57-22.pngScreenshot From 2025-02-28 11-02-30.png


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Chinese scientists created super fast super sensitive solar-blind photodetectors with gallium oxide.

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记者2月27日从兰州大学获悉,该校物理科学与技术学院联合中科大组成的研究团队在宽禁带半导体光电探测领域取得重要进展,成功开发出一种同时具备超快、超灵敏响应的氧化镓(Ga₂O₃)日盲光电探测器,有效破解了长期困扰该领域的响应度和速度两难的困境(Responsivity&Speed dilemma,即RS困境)。相关成果发表在《先进材料》上。









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"The Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF), a Chinese "super lab," has passed a national acceptance review, marking its readiness for advanced materials science research.

SECUF uniquely combines extreme conditions such as ultra-low temperatures, ultra-high pressure, strong magnetic fields and ultra-fast optical fields into one facility.

Open to the global scientific community, SECUF has already hosted experiments from 13 universities and research institutions across 10 countries, including Denmark, Germany, France and Japan, leading to new scientific findings."



According to SCMP, China has a lot of thorium.
  • Thorium is a silver-colored metal that can generate 200 times more energy than uranium. Unlike uranium-based reactors, thorium molten-salt reactors (TMSRs) are compact, do not require water cooling, cannot experience a meltdown, and produce very little long-lived radioactive waste.
  • Just five years’ worth of mining waste from an iron ore site in Inner Mongolia contains enough thorium to supply U.S. household energy demands for over 1,000 years.
  • The Bayan Obo mining complex alone could yield around 1 million tonnes of thorium—potentially enough to power China for 60,000 years.
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Samsung will use YMTC's NAND flash technology.
Samsung Electronics is set to use bonding technology from China’s YMTC for the production of 400-layer NAND flash memory, according to Korea’s ChosunBiz news site.
A contract was signed between the two companies on Monday 24 February, ChosunBiz reports referencing unnamed industry sources. The account added that hybrid bonding is now expected to be essential to get to and beyond 400 layers in 3D NAND flash. This shows how rapid the progress China has made in memory making technology.
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