News on China's scientific and technological development.


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Simple. They want to betray their own homeland for work-life balance as the bribe. Hanjian.
Aren't you in the US right now? Hell, aren't most members here also living outside of China with most living and enjoying their work-life balance in the West? By your definition, basically everyone here is a 汉奸. Honestly, I am suspecting that you are just a teenager who just want to vent to the world considering your post history and lack of self-awareness.
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Not everyone traded a high end job at one of Microsoft's AI R&D teams in Beijing for what is essentially a post-tax pay CUT to be based out of Australia, Vancouver, or Seattle, etc., doing the exact same work, as per the article. Some people were born into situations and do not have any reasonable alternative options. My only option is to keep working in the West, or move to China to teach English for what is probably 1/5th or 1/6th of the income. I would not have any other legitimate and reasonable employment options in China. Either way, it seems like my comments irritated you, but you should probably think a bit more deeply about why some of us are stuck in the West.
Moved the discussion here since it is getting off topic.


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What you think of this? I thought it was VW turbine comp? So it was MAN? Is there a CN company w same level of products?

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they are small Gas turbine makers.. Man Energy Solution owned by VW. it was VW, who requested to purchase its Gas turbine business as MAN suffered loss due to covid and other reasons..

China have couple of companies in Gas turbine fields. producing every type of gas turbine from small to medium and heavy class categories.. for example. DONGFANG TURBINE CO.,LTD is one of the largest producer of gas turbine in China. recently they rolled out 15MW small gas turbine ''G15'' with efficiency upto 35%. one of the most advanced and efficient in this class.

this is just one product of DONGFANG TURBINE CO.,LTD..

in 2023, company rolled out 50MW F class heavy duty gas turbine..
this gas turbine Composed of more than 20,000 parts, each and every part manufacture by DONGFANG TURBINE CO.,LTD. from designing to testing to components manufacturing done by this company.. they have 80 MW, and hydrogen-blended models as well.

2. Harbin Electric Company Limited

3. Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited..

Shanghai Electric Group Company Limited rolled out 300MW ''F'' class category Heavy duty Gas turbine from production line in March this year.. all components and parts are domestically produced..

It consists of 5 major systems and more than 50,000 parts. again all parts and core components are domestically produced.


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MAN's gas turbine division makes small gas turbines for power generation.
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I doubt China lacks the technology to develop such engines by itself. It is just a matter of allocating engineering resources to do it.

Russia also used to import such turbines mostly from Ukraine. But since like five years ago they started developing their own engines and several are hitting production status right now. So that is about the time it takes to develop such engines.


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China publishes, by far, the most science and engineering scholarly articles per year. Chinese papers in chemistry and math are also the most cited in the world. Citation by other scientists is an indicator of the amount of influence a paper has.

It's not necessarily about retaliating against Microsoft, but prioritizing the reason why China suffers brain drain vs. the US even in the current political climate when Chinese researchers are being actively discriminated and their families are in danger of being put away in camps.

What are Chinese companies doing to retain top talent? Why aren't there government benefits for competent research scientists? Why are useless fuerdai and social media celebrities allowed to prosper while the people leading China's next generation AI research are tempted to go to the US?

To create a high quality society, you have to build the right incentives structure. If people see that the best way to get ahead is by investing in real estate, you're going to get a nation of real estate investors. China's historical advantage is its well educated, science & engineering work force; it needs to incentivize that work force to stay in China and to have children.
There are just too many highly-talented engineers willing to and capable of working 996 type hours in China. While 996 may have negative consequences for society, the fact is having high-caliber engineers working 996 offers a massive productivity advantage, which is why Chinese tech companies are able to move much faster when compared to US tech companies. There is no issue with retaining top talent, the engineers that are leaving may be good, but they are just not as good as the ones at the top Chinese tech firms. Assuming equal talent, the engineer that has been working 996 is objectively going to be better than the engineer that has been working 40 hour weeks.

Simple. They want to betray their own homeland for work-life balance as the bribe. Hanjian.
Most likely they simply couldn't secure comparable roles at the top Chinese companies. Vast majority of Chinese engineers that come to do the US do so because the Chinese market is just to competitive. They aren't moving for WLB, they are moving because they don't have comparable alternatives available to them in China.

Here, with the extreme competition for talent in Silicon Valley, Microsoft and other big tech companies know how to incentivise top talent to come work with them
In the US, the main benefit of Microsoft vs most other big tech is the work life balance, yet Microsoft still falls at the lower end of the talent bar. Better work life balance doesn't seem to be a strong incentive for the higher echelons of engineering talent, not even in the US.


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Almost no Chinese tech worker prefers to stay in China working under Chinese competitive conditions over a cruisier (and usually much more higher paid) working life in the US.

To attract and retain talent, the whole 996 soft enforcement needs a rethink and adjustment. Personally know many highly capable Chinese talents that have extreme disdain for the Chinese working culture and political culture. On the whole, this is working against China despite the obvious productivity yields brought about by working harder and having an environment of abundant competition.

Letting Microsoft take up to 800 Chinese engineers just like that shows that the US is pretty desperate for top tier talents. They do not do this for any other foreign branch. It also shows the relative capability of Chinese engineers over others as a group. The CPC should notice this and consider how to retain talent as I'm sure the US will increasingly try to drain China of talent and attract them to the US.

The flip side of this is more leakages and industrial espionage available. All in all, the Trump era balance is the best - just enough talent being cultivated by the US and flowing back to China in sufficient volume. It would be tremendously harmful if top tier Chinese workers become dissatisfied with the comparison and choose a life in the US in significant volumes. This is certainly what the US wants to do. A Trump in office would work wonders to slow this down.


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Almost no Chinese tech worker prefers to stay in China working under Chinese competitive conditions over a cruisier (and usually much more higher paid) working life in the US.

To attract and retain talent, the whole 996 soft enforcement needs a rethink and adjustment. Personally know many highly capable Chinese talents that have extreme disdain for the Chinese working culture and political culture. On the whole, this is working against China despite the obvious productivity yields brought about by working harder and having an environment of abundant competition.

Letting Microsoft take up to 800 Chinese engineers just like that shows that the US is pretty desperate for top tier talents. They do not do this for any other foreign branch. It also shows the relative capability of Chinese engineers over others as a group. The CPC should notice this and consider how to retain talent as I'm sure the US will increasingly try to drain China of talent and attract them to the US.

The flip side of this is more leakages and industrial espionage available. All in all, the Trump era balance is the best - just enough talent being cultivated by the US and flowing back to China in sufficient volume. It would be tremendously harmful if top tier Chinese workers become dissatisfied with the comparison and choose a life in the US in significant volumes. This is certainly what the US wants to do. A Trump in office would work wonders to slow this down.
I personally know one really talented Chinese engineer who used to work at HUAWEI and came to my university and moved to the US with her boyfriend. She took a big pay cut moving here but she couldn’t handle the work life balance over there anymore. There’s a few other Chinese engineers at my company who moved from China saying the same thing. If it wasn’t for the work life balance I’m sure they would’ve stayed in China.