News on China's scientific and technological development.


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The reported project is led by CAS, the patent is from BUAA, but the two could be related as they are for the same purpose and BUAA top scientists are members of CAS.

It also worth to note that the track in this patent is high temperature superconductor EM elevation. Its magnet is at liquid nitrogen temperature, unlike Japan's EDS Maglev which is at liquid helium temperature.

Just in case someone may argue, EDS magnet is inside liquid helium tank which then is inside liquid nitrogen, so the temperature of the magnet is at temperature of liquid helium.
1/11th of the way to escape velocity! Not very practical at the moment, but I'm hopeful that a mass driver to orbit being possible in the not too distance future, it's just a (very long) maglev that aims towards the sky.


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Friend of mine thinks this one is going to win.

Regardless, an interesting time. Trend in the US seems to be using supercomputing to solve biocomputing and biological problems.
No surprise there. Certain applications such as protein and drug simulations are cognition hogs. Sufficient processing power is a must have these days.


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The purpose of the EM sled is providing test environment for other applications, including something like this rocket sled for ICBM test, but with even higher speed.


It is also worthy to note that as the report said
据央视报道,中国阶段性建成并成功运行世界首个电磁驱动地面超高速试验设施 ——“电磁橇”,它可以将吨级及以上物体最高加速到 1030 公里 / 小时的速度,这也创造了大质量超高速电磁推进技术的世界最高速度纪录。
This 1000km/h is first phase, there will be even higher speed coming.

Another patent from BUAA
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stated intention of 1000m/s top speed and 10G acceleration for the same purpose (such as ground test of high speed weapon).

The reported project is led by CAS, the patent is from BUAA, but the two could be related as they are for the same purpose and BUAA top scientists are members of CAS.

It also worth to note that the track in this patent is high temperature superconductor EM elevation. Its magnet is at liquid nitrogen temperature, unlike Japan's EDS Maglev which is at liquid helium temperature.

Just in case someone may argue, EDS magnet is inside liquid helium tank which then is inside liquid nitrogen, so the temperature of the magnet is at temperature of liquid helium.

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In a hurry? China’s ‘electromagnetic sledge’ cruises at nearly the speed of sound​

  • World’s most powerful magnetic propulsion system could help scientists solve problems holding back ultra high-speed transport
  • Researchers say recent achievements may herald a new age of maglev trains

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in Beijing Published: 6:00am, 21 Oct, 2022 Updated: 6:00am, 21 Oct, 2022

The world’s most powerful magnetic propulsion system could soon help scientists solve problems holding back ultra high-speed transport, and usher in a new age of maglev trains. Photo: CCTV

The world’s most powerful magnetic propulsion system could soon help scientists solve problems holding back ultra high-speed transport, and usher in a new age of maglev trains. Photo: CCTV

China has launched the world’s most powerful magnetic propulsion system, capable of accelerating a carriage to 1030km/h (640mph), just under the speed of sound, state media reported on Thursday.

The “electromagnetic sledge”, built in Jinan, Shandong province by the Institute of Electrical Engineering under the Chinese Academy of Science, will “provide test conditions and support Chinese research in advanced materials,
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and ultra high-speed transport,” an article on the Jinan government website said.


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I believe this should be cross-posted here.

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Bet the elites in Washington DC are fuming at China because China couldn't just stick to making low-quality toys and furniture.
Supercomputers , Quantum and Ai, China have autonomous industries. in-fact Chinese supercomputers are blacklisted from the beginning. so let them ban. poor America


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I believe this should be cross-posted here.

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Bet the elites in Washington DC are fuming at China because China couldn't just stick to making low-quality toys and furniture.

This is the kind of policy you get from politicians how are completely tech illiterate. AI software is not a thing or at least not something you can restrict. Each company that does their own AI will use their own algos and data set. The big issue stopping US innovation in AI is just all the privacy laws. China is way ahead in putting AI into real world. How do you sanction a country that's way ahead of you?

Quantum computing is another field that's just being carried out mostly by big tech. Each of them have their own research programs on this. None of the tech companies are going to be selling their crown jewell in Quantum computing. Baidu didn't develop Quantum computers with Google's help, lol.
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If you read this, Alibaba and Baidu's foray into Quantum computing makes a lot of sense. On top of the hardware portion, writing software that can utilize quantum computing hardware is probably the hardest part.
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None of this "banning" even makes sense.


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This is the kind of policy you get from politicians how are completely tech illiterate. AI software is not a thing or at least not something you can restrict. Each company that does their own AI will use their own algos and data set. The big issue stopping US innovation in AI is just all the privacy laws. China is way ahead in putting AI into real world. How do you sanction a country that's way ahead of you?

Quantum computing is another field that's just being carried out mostly by big tech. Each of them have their own research programs on this. None of the tech companies are going to be selling their crown jewell in Quantum computing. Baidu didn't develop Quantum computers with Google's help, lol.
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If you read this, Alibaba and Baidu's foray into Quantum computing makes a lot of sense. On top of the hardware portion, writing software that can utilize quantum computing hardware is probably the hardest part.
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None of this "banning" even makes sense.
Doing something to be seen to be doing something.


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This is the kind of policy you get from politicians how are completely tech illiterate. AI software is not a thing or at least not something you can restrict. Each company that does their own AI will use their own algos and data set. The big issue stopping US innovation in AI is just all the privacy laws. China is way ahead in putting AI into real world. How do you sanction a country that's way ahead of you?

Quantum computing is another field that's just being carried out mostly by big tech. Each of them have their own research programs on this. None of the tech companies are going to be selling their crown jewell in Quantum computing. Baidu didn't develop Quantum computers with Google's help, lol.
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If you read this, Alibaba and Baidu's foray into Quantum computing makes a lot of sense. On top of the hardware portion, writing software that can utilize quantum computing hardware is probably the hardest part.
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None of this "banning" even makes sense.
It's a consequence of having living fossils with no STEM background making decisions on technology. The sheer ossification of America's politicians is a sight to behold.


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This is the kind of policy you get from politicians how are completely tech illiterate. AI software is not a thing or at least not something you can restrict. Each company that does their own AI will use their own algos and data set. The big issue stopping US innovation in AI is just all the privacy laws. China is way ahead in putting AI into real world. How do you sanction a country that's way ahead of you?

Quantum computing is another field that's just being carried out mostly by big tech. Each of them have their own research programs on this. None of the tech companies are going to be selling their crown jewell in Quantum computing. Baidu didn't develop Quantum computers with Google's help, lol.
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If you read this, Alibaba and Baidu's foray into Quantum computing makes a lot of sense. On top of the hardware portion, writing software that can utilize quantum computing hardware is probably the hardest part.
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None of this "banning" even makes sense.
Likewise, almost all of the papers written about computer vision in America are written by authors with Chinese names. This will just result in more brain drain to China.


Lieutenant General
The reason why the US places meaningless "bans" on China so it looks like the US is doing something because Americans are racists and want to believe the Chinese are inferior. That way if the Chinese make a breakthrough in something, they can think the Chinese stole it from them. If Biden weren't doing it, Republicans would use it against Democrats to continue their theme that Democrats are traitors to the US and in league with China. Look at how Republicans are telling Biden to stop China from building a Chinese chip factory in China based on the idea that because it's going to be making chips for Huawei that violates US laws against Huawei. To the least it makes dumb Americans think they have a right to do that and if Biden does nothing dumb Americans will blame the Democrats for doing nothing.