News on China's scientific and technological development.


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SCMP article about the wider implications for chinese industry from the recent US semiconductor measures against china.

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For those that know, will other parts of the chinese economy suffer from these measures?

Maybe there are, but most of the ones we know about are thoroughly controlled by China. That's probably why the folks in Washington are so panicked about everything.


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China's fusion experimental device HL-2M generated plasma current of more than 1 million amperes on Oct 19.

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The purpose of the EM sled is providing test environment for other applications, including something like this rocket sled for ICBM test, but with even higher speed.


It is also worthy to note that as the report said
据央视报道,中国阶段性建成并成功运行世界首个电磁驱动地面超高速试验设施 ——“电磁橇”,它可以将吨级及以上物体最高加速到 1030 公里 / 小时的速度,这也创造了大质量超高速电磁推进技术的世界最高速度纪录。
This 1000km/h is first phase, there will be even higher speed coming.

Another patent from BUAA
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stated intention of 1000m/s top speed and 10G acceleration for the same purpose (such as ground test of high speed weapon).

The reported project is led by CAS, the patent is from BUAA, but the two could be related as they are for the same purpose and BUAA top scientists are members of CAS.

It also worth to note that the track in this patent is high temperature superconductor EM elevation. Its magnet is at liquid nitrogen temperature, unlike Japan's EDS Maglev which is at liquid helium temperature.

Just in case someone may argue, EDS magnet is inside liquid helium tank which then is inside liquid nitrogen, so the temperature of the magnet is at temperature of liquid helium.


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A team of students from Beihang University set a world record with their ornithopter. The aircraft flew 1h 31m 4.98s on a single charge on July 17 this year.

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北航团队首创“扑翼推进波”理论,并攻破了扑翼正向优化设计难题。相关理论多次发表于AIAA Journal等航空航天顶刊,并对扑翼飞行器的研发起到关键指导性作用。该团队基于上述理论成果进行了翼展20cm至2m的系列扑翼飞行器的样机研制与飞行试验。





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A new technology to sense and measure very weak microwaves based on quantum science, developed by scientists from USTC.

News release in Chinese:
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我校郭光灿院士团队在基于相变的精密测量上取得新进展。该团队史保森、丁冬生课题组与丹麦奥尔胡斯大学的Klaus Mølmer教授和英国杜伦大学的Charles S. Adams教授合作,利用强关联系统的相变提高了里德堡原子对微波电场测量的精度和灵敏度,相关成果以“Enhanced metrology at the critical point of a many-body Rydberg atomic system”为题发表在国际知名学术期刊《Nature Physics》上。

团队利用Fisher information来衡量精度,如图2所示。实验表明,相比于少体无相变的情况,多体系统在临界点的Fisher information具有显著提高,提高了三个数量级。对应于测量精度提升至少一个量级,并且随测量时间的增加而增加,呈现指数增长的趋势。在单体情况下,系统灵敏度约为3.1 μV/cm/Hz^0.5,而在多体情况下,系统对于微波电场的测量灵敏度为49nV/cm/Hz^0.5,提高了60多倍。

Paper published in English:
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Enhanced metrology at the critical point of a many-body Rydberg atomic system​


Interacting many-body systems display enhanced sensitivity close to critical transition points due to diverging quantum fluctuations. This criticality-based enhancement has been suggested as a potential resource for applications in precision metrology. Here we demonstrate many-body critical enhanced metrology for the sensing of external microwave electric fields in a non-equilibrium Rydberg atomic gas. We show that small variations in external driving lead to a large variation in the population of Rydberg states around criticality and to a notable change in the optical transmission signal. For continuous optical transmission at the critical point, we quantify the enhanced sensitivity extracting the Fisher information, which shows a three orders of magnitude increase due to many-body effects compared with single-particle systems. These results demonstrate that critical properties of many-body systems are promising resources for sensing and metrology applications.


Such hurry means only one thing: the U.S. regime is fully aware that time is not on their side.

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I remember someone saying why do all the central banks around the world follow in lockstep when the US raises interest rates. There is your answer. You don’t raise rates = your currency loses value because it’s not worth holding your currency if the other has better rates. Dollar is up against the Yen by ~44% since 2021.
As the perfect stooge of the U.S., Japan doesn't dare to do what China does: dumping as much soon to be worthless U.S. Treasuries as possible, and accumulate as much precious and industrial metals as possible.


Chinese researchers have cultivated a new strain of high-yield rice that can be harvested over multiple years without replanting every year:

China urges farmers to consider new variety of perennial rice​

  • The agriculture ministry is promoting a strain that has higher yields and can be harvested over several years without the need for replanting
  • Researchers say perennial rice can be more cost-effective to produce and is potentially better for the environment

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Douyin is adding e-commerce function to its app. Maybe it can survive in China alone even if it's banned in the rest of the world, because there is so much e-commerce in China?

TikTok’s Chinese version Douyin adds shopping to ByteDance news app, prepares movie ticketing service in e-commerce push​

  • Douyin’s 600 million daily active users will be able to link their accounts to Jinri Toutiao and shop within the popular news aggregation app
  • Douyin has been ramping up efforts to sell goods and services as it seeks to further monetise its massive user base

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So the annual supercomputing conference is coming up next month, and its just an interesting thing that people should keep an eye on. Last year there was that Chinese team that won the Gordon Bell prize for their work on Quantum Supremacy.

This year there's another Chinese team thats been nominated for the Gordon Bell prize, here:
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I don't think they're likely to win, it looks like their work is more algorithmic than applications, which is vital but not really headline-catching.

Personally I think:
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(particle in cell simulations on supercomputers) is likely, but hey, who knows.


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So the annual supercomputing conference is coming up next month, and its just an interesting thing that people should keep an eye on. Last year there was that Chinese team that won the Gordon Bell prize for their work on Quantum Supremacy.

This year there's another Chinese team thats been nominated for the Gordon Bell prize, here:
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I don't think they're likely to win, it looks like their work is more algorithmic than applications, which is vital but not really headline-catching.

Personally I think:
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(particle in cell simulations on supercomputers) is likely, but hey, who knows.
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Friend of mine thinks this one is going to win.

Regardless, an interesting time. Trend in the US seems to be using supercomputing to solve biocomputing and biological problems.