@weig2000 thanks for the compliment broWow
Not only can you do French
Thou can do poems
Impressed am I
@weig2000 thanks for the compliment broWow
Not only can you do French
Thou can do poems
Impressed am I
@weig2000 thanks for the compliment broI'm fortunate though to have a good French Teacher named Google.
If you look at HK university student and professor names/graduated schools they are integrated with mainland talent pool, but Taiwan isn't.If you add HK and Macau to China's total then you get almost 300 papers.
- China (280)
- US (72)
- Germany (30)
- UK (26)
- France (25)
- Singapore (16)
- Italy (15)
- Australia (13)
- Korea (12)
- HK (11)
- Japan (10)
- Canada (10)
- India (9)
- NL (7)
- Switzerland (7)
- Israel (6)
- Poland (5)
- Austria (5)
- NZ (4)
- Macau (3)
Notice the total lack of Taiwan. India gets less than HK alone! I'm also surprised that Spain is missing.
Spain does okay in the Nature Index (only elite science, e.g. published in the most prestigious journals).
That's a long way for your country from the days of Salamanca Academy, Pedro de Medina and such.
Ming and Hapsburg were long gone, but the contrast in the staying power of Chinese and Spaniards in modern science and technology is quite stark.
Genociding the desert, one step at a time.China/World biggest solar farm in Gobi dessert.
That google paper was always on shaky ground. People back then believed that with some better algorithms it didn't need a quantum computer to solve. And I think that was what the Chinese team did was create a compression code that made it solvable with non-quantum computing. Which proves that a better algorithm solves that problem.Oops! China strikes back.
This week, Zhang Pan et el. theoretical physicists' from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have surpassed Google's quantum computer [now Fraudulent] with Exa-flops supercomputer in a few hours with ordinary processors
View attachment 95100
This breakthrough paper guarantees 2 things -
1. Quantum mathematical theory and computational complexity research in China are now at the frontiers
2. Performance of China's Exa-flops supercomputer > America's