This is the news release in 2020 from Zhejiang University of Technology (浙江工业大学) about the research team of the cold atom interferometry gravimeter:
Acccording to this news release, the project began in 2006 and was the first in China. The first generation was a prototype. The second generation made the gravimeter mobile. The current, and third, generation is a miniaturized version of the second one.
This photo shows the size of the gravimeter, comparing to the laptop sitting on top of the cabinet.
Zhejiang University of Technology is not the only institute working on this kind of gravimeters. According to , Huazhong University of Science and Technology has created a cold atom interferometry gavimeter, too. Perhaps their focus is more on the precision and accuracy than on small size and mobility. [This web site does not allow me to copy their content. I took a screenshot of this picture.]

Acccording to this news release, the project began in 2006 and was the first in China. The first generation was a prototype. The second generation made the gravimeter mobile. The current, and third, generation is a miniaturized version of the second one.
This photo shows the size of the gravimeter, comparing to the laptop sitting on top of the cabinet.
在国家 863、973 计划及国家自然科学基金项目的支持下,先后研制了第一代(原理验证和实验室样机)、第二代(可移动式量子重力仪)、第三代(小型化量子绝对重力仪)等系列样机,不仅实现了我国在该领域的技术突破,而且实现了重力测量仪器从无到优的历史跨越。
2016 年,中国计量科学研究院在亚太计量规划组织(APMP)框架下主办“第一届亚太区域绝对重力仪关键比对”,这是我国境内第一次主办国际绝对重力仪关键比对。林强团队与浙江大学联合研发的“可移动式冷原子干涉重力仪”参加该次比对。
Zhejiang University of Technology is not the only institute working on this kind of gravimeters. According to , Huazhong University of Science and Technology has created a cold atom interferometry gavimeter, too. Perhaps their focus is more on the precision and accuracy than on small size and mobility. [This web site does not allow me to copy their content. I took a screenshot of this picture.]