News on China's scientific and technological development.


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Chinese researchers from Nanjing University set new record in efficiency of flexible thin-film solar cell. The Tiangong space station uses flexible solar cells. Perhaps it will receive an upgrade of those soon?

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Flexible all-perovskite tandem solar cells approaching 25% efficiency with molecule-bridged hole-selective contact​

Lightweight flexible perovskite solar cells are promising for building integrated photovoltaics, wearable electronics, portable energy systems and aerospace applications. However, their highest certified efficiency of 19.9% lags behind their rigid counterparts (highest 25.7%), mainly due to defective interfaces at charge-selective contacts with perovskites on top. Here we use a mixture of two hole-selective molecules based on carbazole cores and phosphonic acid anchoring groups to form a self-assembled monolayer and bridge perovskite with a low temperature-processed NiO nanocrystal film. The hole-selective contact mitigates interfacial recombination and facilitates hole extraction. We show flexible all-perovskite tandem solar cells with an efficiency of 24.7% (certified 24.4%), outperforming all types of flexible thin-film solar cell. We also report 23.5% efficiency for larger device areas of 1.05 cm2. The molecule-bridged interfaces enable significant bending durability of flexible all-perovskite tandem solar cells that retain their initial performance after 10,000 cycles of bending at a radius of 15 mm.

The same team also set a new record in efficiency of rigid all-perovskite solar cell last month. The efficiency of their solar cell is 28.0%, overpassing the highest efficiency of single crystalline silicon solar cells at 26.7% for the first time in history.

The all-perovskite temdem solar cell technology is widely considered as one of the best in the next generation perovskite solar cells.

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anyone know if this is true
they say Android 13 will use Huawei EROFS system

According to wikipedia, it is:
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EROFS (Enhanced Read-Only File System) is a lightweight read-only
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initially developed by
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for the Linux kernel.

EROFS aims to provide a solution to save storage space by using transparent compression for scenarios which need high-performance read-only requirements on their devices with limited hardware resources, e.g. smartphones like
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All of Huawei's new products shipped with
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9.0.1 or later used EROFS,
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and it was promoted as one of the key features of EMUI 9.1.
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The file system was formally merged into the
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All new devices with Android 13 (released in 2022) that will use
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(GMS package) must use EROFS.
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Hmm, it seems that it's no longer a requirement. The AndroidPolice article cited by wikipedia has this update at the end:
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UPDATE: 2022/05/26 09:58 EST BY RYNE HAGER​

Other filesystems will still be accepted
New commits indicate that Google is going to relax this requirement, and read-only partitions can still use EXT4 or F2FS, as spotted by Rahman:

Shortly after I published this article, Google pushed a change to relax its file system requirements. Android 13 launch devices will no longer have to use EROFS as the file system for RO partitions in order to pass VTS. EXT4 and F2FS will also be allowed.
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— Mishaal Rahman (@MishaalRahman)
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When the Android 13 Vendor Software Requirements are finalized, we'll know for sure, but it seems like Google has decided not to move ahead with imposing EROFS as necessary for read-only partitions on Android 13.
The context of our original coverage is preserved above in case Google changes its mind again.


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According to wikipedia, it is:
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Hmm, it seems that it's no longer a requirement. The AndroidPolice article cited by wikipedia has this update at the end:
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Why are we even surprised here? I heard Huawei was one of the biggest contributors to Android, after Google.


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Why are we even surprised here? I heard Huawei was one of the biggest contributors to Android, after Google.
You are right. We should not be surprised. I was confirming the speculation (even though Google has reversed course later.)

I am not familiar with Android development. But in Linux kernel development, Huawei has been for years among the top 10 or even top 5 corporate contributor in actual code changes. Their contributions go beyond file systems. Even just for this matter, Android has been using code written by Huawei for years.


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You are right. We should not be surprised. I was confirming the speculation (even though Google has reversed course later.)

I am not familiar with Android development. But in Linux kernel development, Huawei has been for years among the top 10 or even top 5 corporate contributor in actual code changes. Their contributions go beyond file systems. Even just for this matter, Android has been using code written by Huawei for years.
But, but, but, this is a national security risk!

We need to ban this activity!


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China has adopted advanced technology to help farmers in their summer harvest, planting and field management, ensuring a high yield and bumper harvest.

Skilled agricultural technicians in east China's Anhui Province use mobile phones to control the route of unmanned harvesters.

"Compared with traditional tractors, unmanned driving enhances the accuracy and efficiency of the operation and reduces costs. [It can] achieve synchronous operation 24 hours a day," said Li Wei, technical engineer of Weichai Lovol Smart Agriculture Research Institute.

At a wheat field in Weifang, a city in east China's Shandong Province, two unmanned wheat harvesters equipped with yield measurement software are working efficiently.

The agricultural command center uses a smart agricultural management platform, satellite remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), sensors and other technologies to monitor the growth of crops, soil moisture and meteorological data to advise farmers in their summer farming with accurate data.

"Wheat was sown late last year. However, under the guidance of the big data of the smart agricultural management platform, the field management of wheat has been done well. The overall wheat harvest this year is about 9,000 kilograms per hectare," said Zhu Long, a farmer in Weifang.

This year, more than 650,000 combine harvesters were put into wheat harvesting, including more than 130,000 with China's Beidou satellite navigation system, up 40 percent from last year.


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Chinese scientists from the Nankai University find a way to break down trioxygen (ozone) in super low temporature with zero energy consumption.

"In the 14 5-year plan, air pollution control focus shifts from PM2.5 to volatile organic compound and ozone. It's critical to find catalyst that can break down ozone with zero energy consumption. The catalysts currently under study cannot meet the requirement to function in super low temporature."

"Based on mullite catalyst material, Professor Wang WeiChao and his team started the research on zero energy consumption ozone breakdown in 2019."

"The catalyst has now been made in production scale, ready to meet demands in industrial use. This technology can help develope ozone converters for the indigenous large commercial airplanes."

News report in Chinese:
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天津6月12日电 (孙玲玲 乔仁铭)记者12日从南开大学获悉,南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院王卫超教授课题组首次在三元氧化物催化剂莫来石上实现无能耗超低温臭氧分解。该成果的推广应用将为新型大气污染物臭氧在超低温环境下的降解提供有力的技术支撑,并在商业航空等领域发挥积极作用。近日,介绍该工作的论文发表于国际学术期刊EnvironmentalScience&Technology上。

