Now that's quantum supremacy. Note the previous record holder for number of qubits was also Chinese, the Zuchongzhi at 66 qubits, achieve in July this year, implemented with superconducting qubit. Jiuzhang has achieved 113 qubit with photon. This also makes China the only country to achieve quantum computing with two different physical support. Zuchongzhi was about 10 million times faster than fastest supercomputer in terms of it's quantum supremacy.
Also, Jiuzhang 2.0's photons are programmable.
I gonna to rant. Even though I got no idea what I am talking about, I am still gonna rant!
1. The Western media will not report this. Just because!
Just because!!!
2. That original Chinese photonic computer was a work of art! I still cannot believe they lets us non-STEM noobs see a picture of it. That I truly appreciate the Communist Party of China of showing that picture. Awesome!
A photonic gun fires a single photon that is split, causing the entanglement to appear, in a superposition state (I think that is how it goes), those split photons go through that maze resembling a circuit board, going through crystals and they had the measuring instruments to actually see that photon. That is simply amazing!
The point is that thing was scalable. They just had to add another table top of that circuity stuff and they double the output. But, what they should do is improve the process, the crystals, instruments, etc., to improve output, ie the amount of qbits measured.
It is no surprise that they were able to have a version 2 so soon.
3. The original version 1 was programmable too. It probably was very rudimentary, not an expert here, but it was the experiment they did. The experiment keep on adding more variables, exponentially, something like that. You know what we call that? We call that a loop. So when does this loop end? When the if statement tells it to end. I am not a coder, but this is programming! If statements and loops! Now they say this version 2 is programmable. The semi-official story was version 1 was not. No way Jose!
4. What the hell is a loop? We can ask the coders here, has to be a couple on the forum. But, I will tell you what a loop is. A loop is a dictionary attack! Version 1 of Chinese quantum computer already capable of breaking any password in my opinion.
5. Bitcoin could be fraud. The quantum computer can do a loop. That's what they say in sports, speed kills.