interesting part to note about collisions: the bigger the spacecraft, the more efficient it is against collisions, not less.
this is an interesting thought experiment:
The ISS has pressurized sections equal to roughly a 109 length x 4.2 m diameter cylinder going by total length and diameter of the Destiny module. The volume would then be 1510 m3 (bigger than reality of 910 m3, since not all modules are that size). It has 109x4.2 = 458 m2 collision cross section. For a maximal comparison, we take t
The volume of Nauka is 180 m3.
For a hypothetical km scale Chinese spacecraft, let's say that for it to qualify as km scale, it has to have at least 501 m length. Let's have it be assembled using modules launched by the
Using equivalent form factor (3 meters lower than maximum rocket diameter) we have a 6.5 m diameter x 24 m length module with volume 800 m3 each or almost as big as the entire ISS volume.
Let's assume 25 launches: 10 pressurized modules, 15 for nonpressurized components (solar panels, backup power, radiators, instruments, maybe a laser CIWS... for debris only, of course). 10 modules would be 8000 m3 volume and can be used for living space, space farming, etc. End to end, the pressurized modules would be 240 m in length.
Let's estimate power consumption.
in direct sun with panel sizes 35x12 m. There are 8 panels for a total area of 2400 m2. Power generation is 0.07 kW / m2, power density is 0.16 kW/m3. Let's assume that due to efficiency increases in the next 20 years, the power generation increases to 0.1 kW / m2, power density required is 0.1 kW/m3. Then the requirements will be 800 kW for 10 modules, which requires 8000 m2 of solar panels. Let's say that we want some power headspace. 10000 m2 of solar panels required. Deploy that as 10x panels in 20x50 m form factors.
Stacked end to end, that'd be 500 m for panels + 240 m for modules. Thus fulfilling the km scale requirements. This seems doable once LM-9 is out.