Power is the blood line of industry without it there is no industry. China just start the operation of Beihetan hydro station a massive 16000 MW unit easily the 2nd largest hydrostation in the world
This guy Gun Sam Wong put it in statistic
Few things that put this hydro station ahead of the west.
(1) Construction started 2017 and commercial operation started on July 2021. In the west it can take twice as long.
(2) China has developed the biggest hydroelectric turbine of 1,000MW each. The world still regard 800MW unit as the biggest. China has already broke the rocord with 850MW hydro unit in Wudongde which is the world's 7th largest. It completed all its 12 units just before Baihetan produces electricity commercially.
(3) Baihetan is the worst second largest power plant. The previous No. 2 was Brazil's Itaipu hydro that has 14,000MW. Baihetan has 16 units of 1,000MW turbine so its rated output is 16,000MW.
(4) Baihetan elecitical power is to be transmitted over thousands of km to serve the provinces in the eastern coast. That means China has the world most advanced power line transmission system using ultra high voltage in DC.
(5) Baihetan hydro is China's indigeneous design and manufacture.
(6) China's electricity charge is among the world's cheapest. This enable China industrial output remain competitive relative to thw western democracy. Electrical power is widely available to all areas and not like in the west only to those who can pay contribution to the installation cost.