let's see, first you say you can't argue against physics, and then you say mass x velocity = force? Nice physics classes you've taken. The 30% figure was taken from a Chinese language scan, so there is no point going after the messenger.
Russians chose 125mm because of their material science limitations back in the 70's. For them, these limitations exist even today. I would venture to say that these limitations do not exist, or are not as serious, for the Chinese. As for RHA ratings, the Ukranians/Russians did a few tests in the 90s, and the new RPG tandem round, out of all things, penetrated both the -80U and the -90.
So in the end, you can cling to whatever you believe, while the opposite camp can think what they want, but the truth is probably somewhere in between.
Cut the crap, the physics is aplied vs the amount of energy deleivered and the ability to sustain that deleivery. The energy avaiable is mass x velocity= Thats a hard number that will not change no matter what you do. ballsitics is a very old science
Modern rounds are desinged to deleiver as much of this energy as possible on to the smallest possible area as fast as possible for as long as possible. One reason the US uses DU is that it is denser than tungesten allowing more transferance of energy at impact and beucase it self sharpens allowing it to resist the armor longer. It is backed up by signifigant mass behind the tip that drives it forward. Even if the Chinese round achieves the exact same performanc eon imapct as the M829A3, it still is lighter (less energy to deleiver) and has less mass to drive the tip forward (less ability to deleiver energy)
The 125mm gun was not limited by Russian technical skill. They chose it for it's ability to defeat then current NATO tanks. The guns limitations in power come via the 2 peace ammunition not the gun itself. The newest Russian 2A46M-5 has access to the same scientific base as the Chinese and decades more research. I already discussed the 3 breakthroughs the Chinese must have to reach their claims and frankly it is not possible. Tank cannon need years of deveopment and the Chinese are claiming to ahve surpasse devery other power on the planet in only 9 years starting from an inferior gun and propellant/round design.
Instead of cliams how about some real number? They claim 30% more muzzel enrgy by ttheir published round performace does not back this up. They claim thier SRP can do double it's leangth in penetration, yet thier round design is a normal spool type APFSDS.
You can claim you have wings all you want but, I will still never see you flying past my window. I don't beleive in magic and niether should you.,