The long handle of these police maces could easily have enough internal volume to allow them to put a big enough battery pack inside to make it into a powered taser mace (although I like the term power mace for its simplicity).
I am highly specticle of the claim these maces are for regular cops, since they have 'special assignment' written clear on their holsters, which are also on the uniform of the officers pictured with them. That's Chinese riot police.
Riot police the world over have very different operating procedures, which require very different equipment. It's rare to see riot police even in taser friendly countries and police forces to be issued with tasers.The primary reason is reaction time.
Ruling out things like shotgun taser rounds (which you are not going to be deploying as standard to beat cops), conventional pistol tasers are one-shot deals, and require the user to continue engaging the taser to keep applying power to the target.
That's fine for regular police work, where officers can expect to be dealing with one or two suspects and be able to comfortably outnumber them and still have other cops on parimetre duty keeping an eye on the crowd.
For riot cops, they will always be massively outnumbered if things turn violent, so they need to be able to subdue large numbers of attackers quickly. That is why teargas, pepper spray, water cannon and even rubber bullets are favoured by riot police over tasers.
To be frank, other than massed riots or terrorist attacks, it's very rare for Chinese police to have to resort of violence to resolve situations. It's not part of their SOP as it is with American police, so I really don't see there being any need to issue beat cops with tasers in China. Most of them don't even bother with a standard police baton never mind firearm. Which is why I'm so specticle of these being for regular beat cops.
Then there is also the price, if these are titanium, they will not be cheap. Can't see Chinese police buying those by the millions to make it standard issue for police.
Of course, you also have to consider the sheer size and weight of it. If every policeman in China gets issue with out of these, all criminals will have to do is run and the cops won't be able to catch them while dragging that thing around.
No, the more one things about it, the less sense it makes for this to be anything other than a specialist riot control gear.