New members introduce yourselves!!


"the engineer"
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!

nice to meet all of you new and old members. i'm PiSigma <-- obviously a math nerd. i'm in computer process control chemical engineering at university of alberta in edmonton. i'm another mod here at SDF, so if you have any concerns, just PM me or any other mod and we'll do the best we can to help you enjoy your stay in SDF.


Bow Seat
VIP Professional
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!

I'm Rommel. I'm a moderator as you can see. I'm 21, living in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Studying in Political Science (3rd year), I'm in the Canadian Army Reserve, Land, I'm in the Infantry, Corporal with specialization in Recon and Sharpshooter level II. That's I'm the rifleman, I was serving as rifleman before becoming the Assistant Leader of my fireteam (due to my numerous qualifications). Also being promote mod due to this military experience. If you have any thing to ask, contact me by PM, I'll be happy to answer you.

Welcome and Enjoy !!!!!
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

Hi everyone!
I am Chinese American, studied public policy in school but followed the money (and computer skills I learned from being an avid gamer) into IT. I am a military/history/international affairs buff but purely a hobbyist :p without real experience. Looking forward to some good discussions!

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

Hello all!

I'm Big Daddy Popeye. I live in Iowa. I served 20 years in the USN on board 5 CV's and other shore commands. My experience is in Naval avation.

I've had a long intrest in the PLA. Particulary the PLAN.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

Wow too pages of discussion and introductions...and two actually made by NEW MEMBERs, to which this thread was orgianlly you all shoul go back to school and learn some reading-understandment things...;)

Anyway if this is going to be the sole "who are you" thread to get intress then it's only fair that i will do my part.

So i'm Gollevainen (or goll, golly, golivian, gollevoiun, golevnen or any other variation that has come to gross during this forum existence) the evil and mercyless super mod who gives warnings at breakfast and bans members for dinner. Im finnish (NOT an indian as someone somehow tought i were...) corporal in finnish reserve. Done my time in the karelian brigade in artillery regiment were i served as an aimer and occasionally as a gunleader for D-30 howitser and 155K98 cannon. Currently i'm studing to become a constructive engineer (or civil engineer...)

You all are going to know me, many of you wish that they never would have come agross whit me, but i can sure you, playing by the rules you never will have any proplems whit me (nor whit anyone else)...but if you don't...well then....:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!

hmm so you aren't 40 something like we originally guessed (J/K)... :roll:
anyways might as well get the all the forums leader to introduce themselves
Nationality: American, Chinese, Canadian -> YES i have triple citizenship although technically i'm not a Chinese citizen anymore (their rules is you cant have another citizenship with Chinese, except those LUCKY Hong Kongers :mad: :p )
Ethnic: Chinese
City: Arlington
16 years olds, 11th grade, as you can tell by my SN i LOVE swimming and track (XC=cross country).. either than that just your normal teen in high school...
oh i hate school b/c of lack of sleep :eek:
how did i get into this forum... i guess it was first from Defencetalk (google search), then i found a link to SinoDefence in one of the posts


Banned Idiot
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

might as well introduce my self
age:16, grade 11
live: in the east coast of da u.s
likes:to post, violin, tv, read...
hates:george bush, rumsfeld, ...
ive lived in shanghai, beijing, california, tenesee, peensylvania.

i found sinodefence after googling images of some tanks, and i came across the 98.


Banned Idiot
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!

:) Gollevainen look who is you wish to continue our struggle
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Senior Member
VIP Professional
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!!!


I am Sumdud, some regular dude.
But you don't want to mess with me, I promise.:nono: :nono:
I am ethnically Chinese and was born in Vermont, USA.
I am a US citizen, but I know enough Chinese.;)
City: San Francisco, California (Burton)

Found Sinodefence when researching on PLAN.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: new members introduction thread - important that new members introduce themselfs!

Gollevainen look who is you wish to continue our

The weirdest of the weirdest, the red one...hhmmm well i strongly advise you to look up the new forum rules and policy, and you'll see that the "struggles" that we did back then are no longer approphiate...