New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) in China


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Tank 500 is coming to Cambodia soon. With the Tank 300 price tag at 70,000+ USD, I guess Tank 500 would be nearly 100K. They won't many customers though.



BYD will sell way more cars this year, due to the availability of its own transport ships going into service.

BYD is extremely popular in NZ ... I myself thinking to replace my wife's BMW with BYD Dolphin or Atto 3 next year .. around NZ$50K here or ~US$30K .. the rebate NZ$7-$8K is over now from 1 Jan 2024

I went to Norway doing Hurtigruten Norwegian coastal cruise in Jan 2024, so many EV cars there. Tesla is dominating over there mainly in Oslo and Bergen but I saw quite many XPENG there, didn't see any BYD (doesn't mean didn't exist there)

Norway is interesting, 98% of electricity is from Hydro and produce 4 million barrel of oil per day and mostly exported, they are quite "allergic" to fossil fuel somehow
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