His hottest air must be his underground tunnels for cars to cut through congestion.
It's a sickness. It is the same as Tr.ump worship. It is the same as the flat earth, creationism and astrology shit, just a different flavor.
Tesla Semi - uneconomical due to low energy density of batteries. doesn't matter as much for civilian cars, utterly destroys commercial trucking applications. total vaporware, 2 years overdue and still nothing.
Tesla Cybertruck - completely unsafe if built and a lawsuit waiting to happen due to the sharp edges ensuring puncture of other cars during collisions. Also has no crumple zone in front so the occupant is also screwed. But it's OK since it's vaporware anyhow, meaning nobody is in actual danger.
Starlink - mostly works because of low user rates, can barely even sustain its own maintenance cost (~billions per year in launch costs alone due to LEO orbits decaying and thousands of satellites required). For the same
one time cost you can just lay fiber or launch a few dozen MEO or GEO satellites.
Hyperloop - lmao.
I can keep going. The best thing about Tesla Shanghai though, is that when they inevitably go bust, a real automotive company like BYD can move in and just buy their equipment and facility for depreciated value.