New Energy Vehicles (NEVs) in China


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Updates from BYD on export
#1 in Singapore in October with 108 registrations.
1500 Atto 3 orders thus far from India (delivery in Jan 2023)

3 millionth NEV to come off production line on Nov 16th

Seem to me that XPeng is just trying to deny the obvious here, which is that they need to cut prices to sell out its inventory and sustain future sales.

Maybe Leapmotor has been too aggressive about its expansion plans and have hit ceiling on how many it can sell.

The problem with this is that once people are convinced you are going to cut prices even further, then they are just not going to commit to buy now.



Why is this American crap allowed to keep killing us? This has happened repeatedly with this "company". This rolling coffin is obviously not ready.
My understanding is that the accident was probably caused by driver error. The brake lights were not on except 4 brief flashes when the driver tried to switch the gear into park.

The effect of Tesla's price cuts in China is less than expected and Tesla will not cut prices again anytime soon.

While cybertruck is nowhere to be found, a truck-load of the SUV from BYD's premium Yangwang brand showed up.

China's NEV export almost doubled in 2022 over 2021.

BMW to invest $1.4 billion to expand its power battery base in Shenyang​

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Indonesia plans $2B EV fund with CATL, CMB International​

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My understanding is that the accident was probably caused by driver error. The brake lights were not on except 4 brief flashes when the driver tried to switch the gear into park.
The driver was a truck driver with 20 driving years of experience, look at the footage and how he tried to avoid collisions at high speed for 2.6 km. This is definitely not someone who just panicked and depressed the accelerator pedal the whole time. Tesla as always is just shifting blame.


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Human Horizons HiPhi X set to enter Europe and complete deliveries in approximately 2024. Interesting interview with the director of their European operations and how he defected from Audi to Human Horizons because he was so blown away by the product:

"I’m very product-focused, so I want to see the product. I was ready to travel to Shanghai, but they told me they have X in Frankfurt! Since it is less than 4 hours from Munich, I took my wife and two daughters on a family trip there. The moment I sat in the car, it blew me away. My Audi company car, which was a very high-performance and high luxury, felt boring afterward. Even my kids said it’s nothing like Audi; they wanted that car."

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The driver was a truck driver with 20 driving years of experience, look at the footage and how he tried to avoid collisions at high speed for 2.6 km. This is definitely not someone who just panicked and depressed the accelerator pedal the whole time. Tesla as always is just shifting blame.
I have the impression that most of this kind of accident is caused by human error. That said, this accident could well be an exception though.


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I have the impression that most of this kind of accident is caused by human error. That said, this accident could well be an exception though.
An interview with the driver has been posted, with the driver stating that the brake pedal was 'locked' and he couldn't depress it.

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Again, it doesn't seem like the driver would have mistook the accelerator pedal for the brake (for 2 whole minutes) while the Tesla was careening out of control. Could be a catastrophic software bug.

I agree that there should be a huge public backlash against Tesla for this.


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Nov week2 insurance numbers are out. Remember, these always start lower and go up as we get to end of the month. We will have to see how much higher this gets, but I was looking for 250k sales this month for BYD. I'm not sure 40k a week for the first 2 weeks domestically will get us there.
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Price cuts in China continues. Tesla triggered price cuts will happen across the market. Numerous little guys will go bankrupt in the next year.

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BYD terminating the IPO process for BYD Semiconductor in order to concentrate on ramping production.
比亚迪半导体为了扩大晶圆产能,在审期间已投资实施济南功率半导体产能 建设项目。济南项目目前已成功投产,产能爬坡情况良好,但面对新能源汽车行 业的持续增长,新增晶圆产能仍远不能满足下游需求。为尽快提升产能供给能力 和自主可控能力,比亚迪半导体拟抢抓时间窗口,开展大规模晶圆产能投资建设。 在济南项目基础上,进一步增加大额投资,预计对比亚迪半导体未来资产和业务 结构产生较大影响。
公司为加快晶圆产能建设,综合考虑行业发展情况及未来业务战略定位,统 筹安排业务发展和资本运作规划,经充分谨慎的研究,决定终止推进本次分拆上 市,同意比亚迪半导体终止分拆至深圳证券交易所创业板上市并撤回相关上市申 请文件。公司将加快相关投资扩产,待相关投资扩产完成后且条件成熟时,公司 将择机再次启动比亚迪半导体分拆上市工作。
Talks about needing to concentrating on ramping the production at Jinan fab rather than going through IPO. Normally, companies do IPO to get funding for fab Capex. I guess BYD isn't short on cash or access to bank loans, so they can do this without IPO.

Yes, BYD is going to have 2 PCTC ships built at GSI shipyard.
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