Did you even bother to read the article you posted all the way through?
"Enerland and other bidders are selling Portugal energy at prices as much as five times lower than the cost to generate it, estimates Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). But they are not throwing their money away. They’re betting the superior economics of solar power, and a coveted connection to the country’s crowded electricity grid, will cover any losses over the first 15 years (solar facilities are expected to last about 40 years). After that period, they can sell their power at prevailing market rates (now more than $50/Mwh), and pocket any difference as profits. Their grid connection never expires."
"In a high renewables scenario, energy sector subsidies, now around 1% of global gross domestic product (GDP) would fall to 0.2% by 2050. Solar subsidies should shrink and disappear completely by 2050"
It's an Enron level scam. They get the grid connection to their own facilities by selling energy on the cheap in the start, then they jack up the price.
Not at all like Enron. Your smear is not appreciated. Enerland and others are actually paying for their grid connection by selling solar energy for 15 years below cost. “'The Portuguese government expected to pay developers,' says Chase, 'and instead developers are paying [for the grid extension]'.”
Did you miss the part where they expect to make hefty profits later? This obviously means they expect the solar energy to cost far less than other ways to generate electricity.