New Chinese Military Developments

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: New guide round announce.

Challenge, I told you to stop starting a thread for every new piece of PLA gear you discover. I even started a thread so you could post your new gear. This is your last chance!

bd popeye super moderator


Junior Member
QBU-09 12.7x108mm Anti material rifle with digitized fire control system




QBU09式狙击步枪系统由狙击步枪、狙击弹、多功能弹、白光瞄准镜、红外热像瞄准镜及携行装具等组成,主要发射国产新型12.7毫米狙击弹(初速825米/秒)和多功能弹,必要时也可使用89式12.7毫米穿燃曳弹、穿爆燃弹,以及54式12.7毫米穿燃弹等多种弹药。。09式半自动狙击步枪,全枪重13.3千克.长1 380毫米,枪管长780毫米,弹匣供弹,容弹量不少于5发.全枪寿命超过3 000发,综合故障率不超过0.2%.国产QBU09式狙击步枪系统具备结构紧凑、性能可靠、射程远、精度较好、终点效应好、易维护等突出特点。

精度较好,威力大试验表明:使用国产12.7毫米专用狙击弹,配白光瞄准镜,卧姿射击时,在200米距离上3发射弹的最小散布圆直径约13厘米;1 000米距离3发弹最小散布圆直径约70厘米。当使用国产12.7毫米多功能弹时,在同样的射击条件下,3发弹在200米和1 500米距离上最小散布圆直径分别约为18厘米和巧0厘米。在侵彻力试验中,使用国产12.7毫米专用狙击弹,在1 500米距离对5毫米均质钢板射击,穿透率大于80%;在100米距离上穿透10毫米均质钢板后,对93号汽油的引燃率大于80%。

瞄具功能齐全,适应全天候作战在武器上除加装有传统机械瞄准具外,还配备有一体化结构形式的白光瞄准镜和专供夜间使用的红外瞄准镜,能实施全天候作战。白光瞄准镜为武器常用瞄准方式,由光学系统、激光测距、弹道解算、镜枪连接机构和电池组成。其中,光学系统采用开普勒式,有高分辨光点显示功能,放大倍率为6x--9x公称值),实现了光标装表:激光测距采用OPO激光测距技术,实现人眼安全激光测距,对单兵目标最大测距为1 000米,车辆目标为2 000米;弹道解算通过采集激光测距、温度和角度数据,由弹道计算机进行解算,实现多弹种高精度自动装表。

国产09式狙击步枪主要用于在各种作战样式下完成狙击与反狙击、反器材、反恐防暴等任务,精确杀伤1 000米内的指挥员、狙击手、观察员等重要有生目标;毁伤1 500米内的指控信息系统、停放的飞机、发射架上的导弹、雷达、油库、弹药库、轻型车辆、船艇等重要目标,也可用于处理各种爆炸物。

The one on the left is the old 12.7x108mm Machine gun round used in the M 99 which produced terrible MOA.

The one on the right is the new specialized 12.7x108mm round which looks to be made of hardened steel. The round fired from the QBU 09 penetrates 50mm of homogeneous steel plate at 1500 meters with 80% probability and 100mm at 200 meters with 100% probability. MOA is 0 at 200 meters, and 180 mm at 1500 meters.


With thermals and a digital fire control system it will be like playing point and click games. Just kidding sniping is far harder than that


Probably ridiculously expensive as well:(

feel free to comment and make corrections if needed.


Junior Member
Re: QBU-09 12.7x108mm Anti material rifle with digitized fire control system

Cause the original 12.7 were just machine gun rounds, and not for sniping, the M99 just used the 12.7 machine gun rounds because they didn't have any match grade rounds back then. But anyway this new gun looks cosmetically better. And appears to be lighter to, mostly cause its less bulky. Very nice design. I knew that the Grunts weren't to happy about the M99 and the rounds being used. Probably the reason why it was in such little numbers that they were used.


Junior Member
An un-professional view point on "why PLA don't give 'sniping' much damn?":

Cause they use mortar most of the time, and excercise “不到5米不开枪” enemy engagement doctrine the rest of the time.

This is a viewpoint not 100% ture, but shad light on many "why they do this?" issues.


Banned Idiot
13.3 kilograms?! That's pretty damn heavy.

An un-professional view point on "why PLA don't give 'sniping' much damn?":

Cause they use mortar most of the time, and excercise “不到5米不开枪” enemy engagement doctrine the rest of the time.

This is a viewpoint not 100% ture, but shad light on many "why they do this?" issues.

I think the real reason is because sniper rifles are way too heavy to be carry by a single infantry. M99 and this QBU-09 would probably take 2 guys to carry! :D

Okay I was half joking but seriously, at 14 kg and considering a sniper's mission profile which requires long range tracking, its just too heavy.
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Junior Member
13.3 kilograms?! That's pretty damn heavy.

I think the real reason is because sniper rifles are way too heavy to be carry by a single infantry. M99 and this QBU-09 would probably take 2 guys to carry! :D

Okay I was half joking but seriously, at 14 kg and considering a sniper's mission profile which requires long range tracking, its just too heavy.

Yup yup...

The reason why G.I.Joes do not carry a portable anti-10k ton-and-above-ship-missle launcher, is because... oh, MAYBE, usually, it is not foot soldiers' job.

You know what, YOU ARE FAMOUS around here, YOUR JOKES are also famous around here.

I just telling others a point, and you just telling others a joke, no problem at all. Let the thread continue.


Banned Idiot
14 kg is not so bad for a trained soldier. Let's be honest, which 25 years old young man, who routinely trains and exercises, is having problem with with 14kg? Average NATO troops in Afghanistan and Iraq carry a lot more. Even a typical fully loaded machine gun (plus extra ammo) would weigh more than this gun. So it's not a big deal for them, especially considering the fact that snipers are usually the more elite units.


Junior Member
14 kg is not so bad for a trained soldier. Let's be honest, which 25 years old young man, who routinely trains and exercises, is having problem with with 14kg? Average NATO troops in Afghanistan and Iraq carry a lot more. Even a typical fully loaded machine gun (plus extra ammo) would weigh more than this gun. So it's not a big deal for them, especially considering the fact that snipers are usually the more elite units.

Pal, you just didn't know what some people are famous for, yet.


The NATO troops will find it heavy too. Moving from 10kg to 15kg is a 50% increase in weight. Compare this to the fact that Nato troops could be only, let's guess, 10% heavier than PLA troops, and not to mention the increase in strength is not directly proportional to weight. Conclusion: If 15kg is heavy to the PLA troops, it'll very likely be heavy for the Nato troops, too. End of story.
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Senior Member
The NATO troops will find it heavy too. Moving from 10kg to 15kg is a 50% increase in weight. Compare this to the fact that Nato troops could be only, let's guess, 10% heavier than PLA troops, and not to mention the increase in strength is not directly proportional to weight. Conclusion: If 15kg is heavy to the PLA troops, it'll very likely be heavy for the Nato troops, too. End of story.

Barrett M107 50 CAL is about 14kg too.
usually it is not an infantry weapon in a regular infantry squad. more like special ops.
the sniper usually works in a team with helpers to carry gear and spot.