Senior Member
I don't mean to cause offense, but that's just pathetic.
True insight comes from an objective evaluation of facts to try and form a theory that best fit with reality. Less detached minds might try and make facts fit an existing theory they already believe in, but rarely do you see people trying to deny facts with an argument as ridiculous as 'if they do this then they don't know what they are doing'.
What hubris to think you know better then thousands of others who have devoted their lives to understanding tank warfare and what folly to think others are stupid enough to think that the development of a heavy tank is an extension of the people's war.
How that even make sense is beyond me. As building bigger, better and more expansive tanks that you send in in far smaller numbers then light tanks is the polar opposite of the people's war doctrine.
rhino123 is just a newbie here. Not trying to be impolite but he suffers from a form of intellectual laziness where everything about warfare is so simple and can be reduced to one or two sentences.
Like.... "look in Afghanistan they're using drones and the US is investing a lot in developing drones"
Therefore.... "everything else in PLA is totally useless and totally obsolete, China doesn't even need an army, it just needs drones. If China is developing anything other than drones, then all the generals should be fired because they're all stupid, unlike me."
I imagine even a teenager playing Command & Conquer would have a better appreciation of the operational art than rhino123.