Chinese combattants use 3 VLS :
In italic no completely sure
Universal VLS for DDG 052D, long and medium ,
Longer variant
Cell's of 9 x 0.85 m, hot/cold lauching,
Can fit in a cell :
1 SAM HQ-9
or 1 ASW CY-5
or 1 LACM CJ-10
or 1 AShM YJ-18
or 4 DK-10A SAM
Rate of fire max ?
Medium variant
Cell's of 7 x 0.85 m, hot/cold lauching,
Can fit in a cell :
or 1 ASW CY-5
or 4 DK-10A SAM
Rate of fire max ?
Small variant
Cell's of 3.3 x 0.85 m, hot/cold lauching,
Can fit in a cell :
or 1 ASW CY-5
or 4 DK-10A SAM
Rate of fire max ?
HHQ-16 ? VLS for FFG 054A
Cell's of ? about 4/5 x 0.60 m, hot lauching,
Can fit in a cell :
1 SAM HQ-16
or 1 ASW CY-5
Rate of fire max ?
Russian B-203A S-300F «Fort» SAM system initialy for SA-N-6/20 after HHQ-9 for DDG 052C, 051C
Revolver system
Big " VLS " system SA-N-20 do 7.5 m x 0.52 cm
Can fit in a cell :
1 SAM S-300F/SA-N-6 ; S-300FM/SA-N-20 ; HHQ-9
Rate of fire max 20 miss/mn
If some have more infos your welcome...