Your remarks make me think of two episodes of long black out in New York City some forty years ago.
The first, in the sixties and which extended into Canada, was only remarkable for a peak in births three quarter of a year later: . From that wiki:
The second resulted in very considerable looting.
It is worthwhile to ask why there was looting in NYC in 1977 and why there is looting now in Ferguson.
Looting unfortunately is a very human thing to do because of our innate sin nature. When opportunity arises most people will unfortunately choose to 'get free things'. It's true in the US and true in probably 99% of the countries. Imagined if a cashier gives you back more change than you deserved or fiddling with your taxes etc. Imagine a row of stores with their doors wide opened and no workers or cops around anywhere. Most folks will most likely go inside and help themselves nevermind a partial breakdown in society and when chaos reigns.
That is the mob mentality and that is the looting mentality.
Even otherwise 'decent' folks especially young people will get caught up in that group mentality when they see the majority of folks do it and join in the foray. You have to be a person of an already solid moral compass to not do things like that. Unfortunately it seems that people these days are less 'moral' and are only law abiding because they are afraid of the consequences and not due to their own innate personal integrity.
Of course there are also many like that.

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