Of course. Tis why the only people that care are people who need to save their titles hence move the goal posts. Who cares if in Hong Kong Chinese Zodiac didn't do well. It made $120 million in two weeks in China alone. Look at Hong Kong's own film industry. It's not like they churn out globally recognized critically praised movies. So it doesn't say at all that Hong Kong knows a good quality movie when they see it. I would argue that the Mainland Chinese is more open-minded to other tastes than every other country who have prejudices ingrained. The French notoriously being snobbing went out of their way recently to promote French cinema in China. Why? Because there's an audience in China. BTW, the Hollywood movies that do well in China are not critically considered quality movies at home. Why did I mention Brad Pitt? Because he's in the Hollywood camp of activists for the world. Even though he may not be as vocal publicly, his partner certainly is and vocal against China. His Hollywood friends are also more active. Interesting how not only Brad Pitt but other Hollywood activists have lately gone against the grain. Just like Hong Kong actors, I just read in Taiwan the Ministry of Culture is upset their actors are doing Chinese movies claiming Taiwanese were losing their cultural identity. If the Chinese audience weren't important, then why do all these forces that should be staying out of China getting in. Maybe it's just money. Yeah just like how that's what it was all about that until Lost In Thailand is now on track to beat the reigning Chinese box office champ Avatar. The difference is what's real soft power or fake soft power. As usual the soft power peddled to China doesn't give any sort of power to China. In order for China to be successful in cinema it has to be successful elsewhere? No China has to the real stuff because it's everyone else that's adjusting to China. Having to move the goal posts alone says how it's change against not for.