Movies in General


Lieutenant General
Not even close, there are maybe a couple jump scares but its honestly a pretty weak film compared to the alien movies.

Prometheus is more of a Sci-fi thriller. The first Alien and Alien 3 are the scariest one's out of the Alien's series. I like Aliens (second movie) because of the actions and Bill Paxton's (Pvt. Hudson) one liners are classic, i.e, "game over over....why don't you put her in charge.....great know what the f---k are we going to do..."!

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I seldom go to the movies but I may go see this one...



Junior Member
Guys what's the most underrated movie of the year in your opinion?

Dredd 3D gets my vote as it's x100 better than the first one with Stallone:
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Has anyone see "Back to 1942" yet? I've read some english reviews, and the common theme seems to be that the reviewers had trouble emotionally connecting to the movie.

As a result, some of them blame the pacing of the movie, others blame the political subtext, and yet others blame the hollywood-esque special effects.

Any thoughts?


Lieutenant General
Just watched The Hobbit. I enjoyed it. Even though there was a lot of filler in the beginning, it didn't feel like an almost three hour movie. I watched it in IMAX. I was hearing criticism that it looked awful and the special effects were bad. I didn't experience it but then I didn't watch it in 48 frames per second. If you don't like all the choices these days on what format to watch the same movie... regular, high def sound, 3D, IMAX 3D... now they have 48 FPS which I heard if you don't like the staged soap opera television look, don't watch it in 48 FPS. It looks like live television video not film from what I've heard.
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Banned Idiot
Yes, I watched it in 3D 48P. Very uncanny, something just don't feel right when I'm watching the movie. Feels as if I'm watch a set, and I'm the camera...


Lieutenant General

This looks fun. Reminds me of that Chinese cartoon.