Uh, God, the name ShangQi 尚气 sounded so retarded to us, it sounded like some kind of traditional medicine that cures diarrhea, the whole cost of ShangQi looks like the Hollywood racist film producer's mental image of how Asians should look, folks in China especially dislike the lead actors and the stupid uninteresting plot, and that's the opinion of the majority after watching the trailer. I'm glad they banned it. When will they learn that American Political Correctness does not work in China? Also, every time I run into the poster of that damn movie, I can feel like it's screaming "Wigger Genocide !" and "+100000 social credit score !做得好

!" at me, probably the side effect of browsing Youtube and Twitter, I hope the domestic film industry can capture the opportunity and produce some top-quality films, as the whole country has been severely disgusted by the western MSMs in recent years, the magic of Hollywood blockbuster in China is over