Movies in General


Junior Member
See...this is what happens when you get AJ Abrams in charge of the new upcoming Star Wars to mess up with SiFi tradition and put in some gimmicky light saber for looks. Those cross guards light saber better be shooting off some laser or something.:mad::p

i think the whole star wars franchise went straight downhill after The Empire Strikes Back. the lightsaber is the coolest sci fi weapon to ever appear on the big screen and I can't believe they are messing with it like this. I like it in just 2 colors red for the dark side and green for the good guys NOT in every friggin color of the rainbow! seriously purple????? if they can just remake THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK I Would be the ultimate sci fi movie. Lucas has no more creative juice in him, may I dare say call Cameron and let him do it.


Lieutenant General
I love reading the geek debate going on over at fan boy sites over the light saber. Personally not a deal-breaker for me but I sort of don't like how the light sabre looks more like a flame torch sabre. I wouldn't be surprised JJ Abrams will have that guy riding a reptilian flying beast.


Tyrant King
I love reading the geek debate going on over at fan boy sites over the light saber. Personally not a deal-breaker for me but I sort of don't like how the light sabre looks more like a flame torch sabre. I wouldn't be surprised JJ Abrams will have that guy riding a reptilian flying beast.

Actually I kinda like that. it looks more like plasma then a neon light bulb


Lieutenant General
Episode VII teaser if George Lucas did it.


I have to say some of George Lucas' Star Wars movies were a disappointment but in part because he made the trailer look like the movie was going to be good.


Junior Member
I love reading the geek debate going on over at fan boy sites over the light saber. Personally not a deal-breaker for me but I sort of don't like how the light sabre looks more like a flame torch sabre. I wouldn't be surprised JJ Abrams will have that guy riding a reptilian flying beast.

Yeah I've read some of the detractors of why this lightsaber isn't good, but Stephen Colbert makes the case for why it works perfectly fine.



Junior Member
I'm waiting for the appearance of the light nunchuks.

No they should go with the Chinese three section staff as the next Jedi weapon.

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Junior Member
Or the the Chinese two section staff. More crazy Jedi weapons inspired by Chinese kung fu movies



Types and Colors of Lightsabers

Some people wonder what each lightsaber color means. Or how many colors of lightsabers there is? Well here is your answer.

How many colors are there? 11 colors
What are they? Red, Orange, Gold, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Bronze, White, Black, and Silver
What do they mean?

Blue = The warior Jedi: Anakin Skywalker, Obi- Wan, Ben Skywalker, Anakin Solo, Plo-Koon, and Ki- Adi- Mundi
Green = Diplomatic Jedi: Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Qui- Gon Jinn, Jacen Solo, Kit Fisto, and Ahsoka Tano
Yellow = The Spy Jedi that patrol the galaxy: Plo- Koon and 3 others
Red = Sith: Palpatine, Darth Vader, Count Duku, Darth Maul, Darth Craidus, and 1 other
Purple = Netral Jedi: Mace Windu, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jana Solo, The Dark Woman, Kit Darren, and Jaden Kor
Orange = Not a clue?: Yaddle, and… Plo-Koon again?
Gold = Very high skilled Users: Q – Ron
Bronze = Rare and used for strong jedi Users: Lobacca
Silver = Calm Users: Korren Horn and 1 other
White = light source Users: Imperial Knights
Black or Darksaber = Stronger than the sith lightsaber Users: Darth Maul, Pre Visla

I will now get back to bottling my Malbec
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