You lot are basically arguing the quality of this board over the emotional state inflected upon you based on what someone does with these little drawn and anatomically incorrect faces the size of a mole, and you have the nerve to talk 'quality' because someone chooses to interact and express themselves in their own way, using features as provided by this board, that frankly isn't trolling nor abusive behaviour in the least if you'd paid attention to their "emoji usage".
So they're online a bunch. And? Does being "actively online" = "spamming" now because they prefer to participate with smiley faces over typed words? You'd rather someone who has "nothing to contribute" to just do nothing, say nothing, not make their existence known, log in, read or not read whatever, log out, like a ghost, because you find their choice of smiley faces to your postings "annoying", as opposed to others who react to you? Do y'all care so much about emoji reactions to your postings over the actual content thereof to the point we now have this stupid thread arguing about it? And you have the nerve to talk 'quality' of this board.
The fact that some of you are singling out a particular member for the way they interact with this board which is by all indications not malicious nor in bad faith i.e. not a troll; and that some of you are apparently so emotionally sensitive to the type of smiley face you may or may not receive from this particular member, or that you're getting a reaction from them at all, on a forum about defence matters no less, which this member ought to be using the 'laugh emoji' on the ridiculous attention it's garnered TBH...
... All that notwithstanding, you have numerous active, speaking (word-typing) members who regularly engage in lively/heated/lengthy debates which do regularly and expectedly turn into a 'battle of the ego' to the point the person who gets out-argued decides to use emojis to display their passive aggression instead. How about those people get their own threads like this here thread so y'all can express your annoyance and displeasure over those emoji use, on a forum about defence matters?
Then move on. The informing of your loss in interest over emojis on a defence board is about as useful as the reaction points at the bottom of each posting i.e. nobody cares except you.
So is responding just to respond so you can get the last word in, which is as silly as complaining about what people do with their emojis on a bloody message board.