There are many closet Caucasian homosexual males. Just think: Catholic priests raping little boys globally for decades under the protection of the "holy" church, gay prison rape, young male actors getting Weinsteined by gay whites, homophobic gay white males secretly having steamy love affairs with their strong black African lovers in Wakanda raceplay.But Westerners kept saying that it only spreads among homosexuals, so why is it an emergency? It would mean that it is quite contained. Or does it mean that Westerners lied once again and tried to hide the true danger of monkeypox?
Here are some pious white Christians delivering God's salvation through vigorous ass worship.
modified links so you can see without logging in:
i imgur com/YlPCKPQ.jpg
i imgur com/OEBIWsY.jpg
newsone com/780135/top-5-anti-gay-ministers-accused-of-being-homosexual/