trust me i know my german history. the point is, the idea of compulsory nation building doesnt work. you have to realize that there is an entire social foundation behind modernization (and there are different modes of modernity for different nations i wont get into that any further). Germany was influenced by 1848 revolutions and took a easy train-ride during the second industrial revolution, Japan was fortunate to have a unique cultural and social formation that allows them to adapt to any sort of change without trouble. but either way there is a whole friggin social setting behind modernity, urban centres, concentration of labour, education, secularization, effective bureaucracy, private properties etc. does somalia have ANY of those? piracy is the least of the issues a somalian have to worry about. and piracy isnt an obstruction to the making of a social condition fit for modernity, it is the result. anyone that claims that if you take out piracy and somalia will modernize is wrong, because piracy is the symptom of the somali issues and it will only manifest itself in other forms even if you are lucky enough to eradicate this one.
It was because they were not being invade,occupied/colonized,meddled with constently that allowed them to develop a functioning stable society prior to the development of industry.
I would rather leave Somalia to its own devices and try to mitigate the effects of Piracy on trans-oceanic trade than try to repeat 1992 or Iraq today.
I will not harp on Somalia because from reading these post Somalia is barely out of the tribal stage of development.
I have no problem with NGO & IGO trying to help to mitigate Human Suffering in Somalia.
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