Irrespective of "why", what they are doing is wrong and threatening. I just know that the civilized world is not going to sit back while he and his comptriots threaten free sea lanes, threaten and shoot up and destroy property, and threaten lives.yes they are being demonized, have you ever asked one of the pirates why he became a pirate?
maybe his father was killed and mother raped, and her sisters were sent off to be sex slaves of some warlord, maybe he starved for days and drank nothing but contaminated water, maybe some guerilla force threatened him to join or they'll kill him, he cant find a job.
Cry me a river. That does not make it okay or even understandable when they try and perpetuate the violence. It still must be stopped.
They can be whatever they want to be...they could simply start by trying to be a good person...but if they try and hijack ships, threaten lives, etc., then they are ultimately going to pay the price for doing so.what the heck do you want him to do? be a good citizen?
I am real...and my opinions and statements are real. So are yours. We simply do not agree.get real buddy
And if you did, ultimately you would pay the price too...either domestically when you ran up against a citizen prepared to stop you or the police, or internationally when you ran up against a nation prepared to stop you.if i were in that situation i'd do worse things than looting a ship.
Actually, no...the first thing I think of is how can we protect innocent life and free commerce on the seas.when we look at those pirates the first thing that come to our mind is how "evil"
It's always been a big deal. They were pretty much stamped out from threatening the major sea lanes for a long time after nations hung enough of them from the yard arms.pirates have been a threat for more than just the recent months, howcome it became such a big deal now?
Actually I know that there is a military and free commerce component, which gives rise to the other political issue. Of course there are politcal ramifications to use of the military...there always are.the difference between you and i is not in our stances on this issue, both of us think that it is necessary to send ships over there to fight them; the real differences is that i know the ships were sent there not for some righteous intentions but political interests.
But the real difference, IMHO, lies in responsibility, accountability, and consequences. Irrespective of their circumstance, wrong is wrong, and what they are doing is wrong and needs to be stopped for the sake of the innocent people on the ships and companies that operate them, and the nations that benefit from free commerce. I will not make excuses for it, and am willing to see it stopped.
I also would like to see Somalia helped...but will not excuse piracy and thuggery as a part of the equation or solution.
Actually, I would like to see piracy eliminated. Whether the pirates get eliminated ends up being up to themyou may wish that the pirates are eliminated as soon as possible